(a) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on July 27, 2021, authorized under the authority of 17B-2-15 of this code, modified by the Division of Motor Vehicles to meet the objections of the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee and refiled in the State Register on August 30, 2021, relating to the Division of Motor Vehicles (Examination and Issuance of Drivers License, 91 CSR 04), is authorized with the amendment set forth below:
On page twelve, subdivision 8.2, after the word “license” by inserting the words “expired 36 months or less”.
(b) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on July 29, 2021, authorized under the authority of 17A-2-9 of this code, modified by the Division of Motor Vehicles to meet the objections of the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee and refiled in the State Register on September 22, 2021, relating to the Division of Motor Vehicles (Dealer Licensing, 91 CSR 06), is authorized with the amendment set forth below:
On page thirty-six, subsection 16.2, after the word “service” by striking out the remainder of the sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the words “for 24 hours.”
(c) The legislative rule filed in the State Register on July 20, 2021, authorized under the authority of 11-15-3c of this code, modified by the Division of Motor Vehicles to meet the objections of the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee and refiled in the State Register on August 30, 2021, relating to the Division of Motor Vehicles (Collection of Tax on the Sale of a Vehicle, 91 CSR 09), is authorized.