The Legislature directs the West Virginia Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners to amend the legislative rule filed in the State Register on March 30, 2020, authorized under the authority of 30-23-7 of this code, relating to the West Virginia Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners (Medical Imaging Technologists, 18 CSR 01) with the amendments set forth below:
On page one, subsection 1.5., by striking “March 30, 2035” and inserting in lieu thereof “August 1, 2035”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.a. by striking out “$100.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$92.00”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.b. by striking out “$65.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$60.00”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.c. by striking out “$40.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$37.00”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.f. by striking out “$40.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$37.00”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.j. by striking out “$100.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$92.00”;
On page 6, subdivision 4.7.k. by striking out “$100.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$92.00”;
On page 7, paragraph 4.8.a.1. by striking out “$1000.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$920.00”;
On page 7, paragraph 4.8.a.2. by striking out “$1000.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$920.00”;
On page 7, paragraph 4.8.a.3. by striking out “$500.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$460.00”;
On page 7, paragraph 4.8.a.4. by striking out “$500.00” and inserting in lieu thereof “$460.00”.