The functions of the Authority shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(1) The planning, design, construction, financing, management, ownership, operation and maintenance of solid waste disposal, volume reduction and resources recovery facilities and all related solid waste reception, transfer, storage, transportation and wastehandling and general support facilities considered by the Authority to be necessary, desirable, convenient or appropriate in carrying out the statewide solid waste management plan and in establishing, managing and operating solid waste disposal and resources recovery systems and their component waste-processing facilities and equipment;
(2) The provision of solid waste management services to municipalities, regions and persons within the State by receiving solid wastes at Authority facilities, pursuant to contracts between the Authority and such agencies, municipalities, persons, regions and business entities; the recovery of material and energy resources and resource values from such solid wastes; and the production from such services and resources recovery operations of revenues sufficient to provide for the support of the Authority and its operations on a self-sustaining basis, with due allowance for the redistribution of any surplus revenues to reduce the costs of Authority services to the users thereof;
(3) The utilization, through contractual arrangements, of private industry for implementation of some or all of the requirements of the state solid waste management plan and for such other activities as may be considered necessary, desirable or convenient by the Authority;
(4) Assistance with the coordination of efforts directed toward source separation for recycling purposes;
(5) Assistance in the development of industries and commercial enterprises within the State based upon resources recovery, recycling and reuse. These objectives shall be considered to be operating responsibilities of the Authority, in accordance with the state solid waste management plan, and are to be considered in all respects public purposes. It is the intention of this chapter that the Authority shall be granted all powers necessary to fulfill these purposes and to carry out its assigned responsibilities and that this chapter, itself, is to be construed liberally in furtherance of this intention; and
(6) The development, implementation and supervision of a program requiring all persons who haul, convey or transport any solid waste in any container to obtain a license from the Authority. The Authority may enter into an administrative agreement with any county, municipality or other political subdivision under which agreement the licensing program referenced herein may be conducted by the county, municipality or other political subdivision pursuant to such rules and regulations adopted by the Authority which are applicable to the licensing program.
60 Del. Laws, c. 288, § 1; 61 Del. Laws, c. 132, § 5;