(a) Any person who violates a regulation or a license condition, or who violates § 6428 of this title, shall be subject to the following sanctions:
(1) If the violation is of a regulation or license condition promulgated or imposed under §§ 6401-6429 of this title and the violation has been completed, a civil penalty of not less than $100 and not more than $5,000 shall be assessed. If a violation continues for a number of days, each day of such violation shall be considered a separate violation. Jurisdiction of lawsuits under this subsection shall be in any Court of Common Pleas.
(2) If the violation is of a regulation or license condition promulgated or imposed under § 6430 or § 6431 of this title and the violation has been completed, a civil penalty of not less than $1,000 and not more than $10,000 shall be assessed. If a violation continues for a number of days, each day of such violation shall be considered a separate violation. Jurisdiction of lawsuits under this subsection shall be in any Superior Court.
(3) If the violation is continuous, or there is a substantial likelihood that it will reoccur, the Authority may seek a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or permanent injunction in the Court of Chancery.
(b) Any person who violates a regulation or license condition, or who violates § 6428 of this title, shall be subject to revocation of such license and/or suspension of such license for such period as determined by the Authority and the assessment of an administrative penalty of not less than $500 and not more than $2,500 for each violation. If a violation continues for a number of days, each day of such violation shall be considered a separate violation. The procedure to be followed regarding any revocation or suspension of license and assessment of an administrative penalty shall be as follows:
(1) The Authority shall notify the alleged violator of the alleged violation by registered mail at least 20 days in advance of the time set for hearing on the violation;
(2) A hearing shall be held on the violation at which time the manager of the Authority shall present evidence in support of the alleged violation;
(3) The alleged violator may appear personally or by counsel at the hearing and produce any competent evidence in his or her behalf;
(4) Upon request of the manager or an alleged violator the Chairperson of the Authority shall issue subpoenae requiring the testimony of witnesses and production of books, records or other documents relevant to any matter involved in such hearing. In case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued under this paragraph, the Superior Court in the county in which the hearing is held shall have jurisdiction upon application of the Chairperson to issue an order requiring such person to appear and testify or produce books, records or other documents requested;
(5) All testimony at the hearing shall be taken under oath. The Chairperson shall administer oaths and all directors shall be entitled to examine witnesses. A verbatim transcript of testimony at the hearing shall be prepared and shall, along with the exhibits introduced into evidence, constitute the record;
(6) Decisions regarding revocation or suspension of a license or assessment of an administrative penalty shall be made by majority vote of directors constituting the quorum. In the event the directors render a decision revoking or suspending a license or assessing an administrative penalty the Chairperson shall make findings of fact based on the record supporting the decision, and state the reasons for rendering the decision. Any director who takes exception to the decision may submit a dissenting opinion which shall set forth the reasons for such exception. Dissenting opinions shall be attached to and constitute a part of the decision of the Authority. Deliberations on decisions regarding revocations or suspensions of licenses or assessments of administrative penalties shall be held in executive sessions which shall be closed to the public. In the event a decision is rendered revoking or suspending a license, the Authority may impose conditions for reapplication for a license or for continued operation of the violator under the license;
(7) The Authority shall notify the alleged violator by registered mail of any decision reached under this subsection;
(8) In the event of nonpayment of the administrative penalty after all legal appeals have been exhausted, a civil action may be brought by the Authority through its legal counsel in Superior Court for collection of the administrative penalty, including interest, attorney’s fees and costs, and the validity, amount and appropriateness of such administrative penalty shall not be subject to review.
(c) Any person whose license is revoked or suspended or who is assessed an administrative penalty may appeal the decision of the Authority to the Superior Court in and for the county in which the hearing was held. Such appeals shall be made within 30 days of the date of receipt of notification of the Authority’s decision. Appeals shall be on the record. If the Court finds that additional evidence should be taken, the Court may remand the matter to the Authority for completion of the record. No appeal shall operate to stay automatically any decision of the Authority, but upon application and for good cause, the Authority or the Superior Court may stay the decision pending disposition of the appeal.
(d) The Authority, through its legal counsel, shall be entitled to take direct legal action pursuant to subsection (a) of this section without resort to conciliation or administrative remedies. The Authority may delegate to its manager the authority to file suit on behalf of the Authority.
60 Del. Laws, c. 558, § 7; 65 Del. Laws, c. 344, § 3; 67 Del. Laws, c. 136, §§ 5-7; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;