§ 6508. Assistance by state boards for the professions. 1. A board for each profession shall be appointed by the board of regents on the recommendation of the commissioner for the purpose of assisting the board of regents and the department on matters of professional licensing, practice, and conduct. The composition of each board shall be as prescribed in the article relating to each profession. Within each board a committee on licensing may be appointed by the board chairman. Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the membership of each professional licensing board shall be increased by one member, and each such board shall have at least one public representative who shall be selected by the board of regents from the general public. a. The membership of the professional licensing boards created under sections sixty-five hundred twenty-three, sixty-eight hundred four, sixty-nine hundred three, and seventy-four hundred three of this chapter shall be increased by two members, and each such board shall have at least two public representatives, who shall be selected by the board of regents from the general public. b. For the purposes of this title, a "public representative" shall be a person who is a consumer of services provided by those licensed or otherwise supervised or regulated by the boards created hereunder, and shall not be, nor within five years immediately preceding appointment have been:(i) a licensee or person otherwise subject to the supervision or regulation of the board to which appointed; or
(ii) a person maintaining a contractual relationship with a licensee of such board, which would constitute more than two percentum of the practice or business of any such licensee, or an officer, director, or representative of such person or group of persons. 2. Each board, or its committee on licensing, shall select or prepare examinations, may conduct oral and practical examinations and reexaminations, shall fix passing grades, and assist the department in other licensing matters as prescribed by the board of regents. 3. Each board shall conduct disciplinary proceedings as prescribed in this article and shall assist in other professional conduct matters as prescribed by the board of regents. 4. Members of each board shall be appointed by the board of regents for five-year terms except that the terms of those first appointed shall be arranged so that as nearly as possible an equal number shall terminate annually. A vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled by an appointment by the board of regents for the unexpired term. Each state professional association or society may nominate one or more candidates for each appointment to be made to the board for its profession, but the board of regents shall not be required to appoint candidates so nominated. Former members of a board may be re-appointed by the board of regents, on the recommendation of the commissioner, to serve as members of the board solely for the purposes of disciplinary proceedings, proceedings relating to the moral character of an applicant for licensure, and proceedings relating to applications for the restoration of a professional license. In addition, each board shall establish a roster of auxiliary members from candidates nominated by professional associations or societies for appointment by the board of regents, on the recommendation of the commissioner, to serve as members of the board solely for the purposes of disciplinary proceedings, proceedings relating to the moral character of an applicant for licensure, and proceedings relating to applications for the restoration of a professional license. 5. Each member of a board shall receive a certificate of appointment, shall before beginning his term of office file a constitutional oath of office with the secretary of state, shall receive up to one hundred dollars as prescribed by the board of regents for each day devoted to board work, and shall be reimbursed for his necessary expenses. Any member may be removed from a board by the board of regents for misconduct, incapacity or neglect of duty. 6. Each board shall elect from its members a chairman and vice-chairman annually, shall meet upon call of the chairman or the department, and may adopt bylaws consistent with this title and approved by the board of regents. A quorum for the transaction of business by the board shall be a majority of members but not less than five members. 7. An executive secretary to each board shall be appointed by the board of regents on recommendation of the commissioner. Such executive secretary shall not be a member of the board, shall hold office at the pleasure of, and shall have the powers, duties and annual salary prescribed by the board of regents.