(a) Underground storage tank registration issued by the Department is not transferable.
(b) The owner or operator of an underground storage tank system shall notify the Department of any change in ownership of either the tank or the property upon which the tank is located within 30 days after the contract date to date of closing on a form provided by the Department and in accordance with the procedures prescribed by regulation. The Department shall issue the new owner or operator a new registration consistent with the changes specified in the completed form.
(c) The owner or operator of an underground storage tank shall submit to the Department on a form provided by the Department any modification of any information provided pursuant to registration or renewal process within 30 days after the modification.
(d) The modifications referred to in subsection (c) of this section include, the following:
(1) installation, removal or disabling of a monitoring system;
(2) substantial changes or renewal of connected piping or ancillary equipment;
(3) a change in the type of regulated substance stored in the underground storage tank; and
(4) change of ownership.