- For the purpose of promoting, fostering and encouraging the upgrading and improving of livestock, any county with an assessed valuation of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000.00) or more, and designated as a place for the holding of a livestock show, by the provisions of Section 69-5-103, may upon the order of the board of supervisors purchase, keep, maintain or sell bulls for breeding purposes, but not more than five (5) such bulls may be owned by any such county at any one (1) time.
- The board of supervisors shall employ a proper and suitable person qualified by training and experience to aid, advise and assist livestock growers in the development of pastures, upgrading of livestock, or in any way helpful to encourage and promote the raising of livestock and who shall handle, care for, look after and be responsible for the bulls so bought, and such employee shall be charged with the duty of carrying out the provisions of this section in accordance herewith, and shall be paid such salary and expense as the board of supervisors may order, all of said sums to be paid out of the general funds of the county.
- Such bulls shall be placed at convenient locations over the county under suitable maintenance contracts for their care and upkeep, and shall be available at all reasonable times to farmers and stock growers upon the payment of a nominal charge for the purpose solely of assisting in defraying the expense of such care and upkeep, the amount of such fees governed solely by such maintenance costs, and to be fixed at the discretion of the board of supervisors.
- The board of supervisors shall make such rules and regulations for the services of said bulls as shall be for the best interests of the farmers and stock growers.
- The board of supervisors may set aside, appropriate and expend moneys from the general fund to pay the cost of employing such person and all expenses incidental to his employment and for the purchase of bulls for breeding purposes and to provide for the care and maintenance of such bulls and for defraying any and all expense necessary to carry out the intent of this section.