(a) The brushing (prespotting) table shall have a liquid-tight top with a curb on all sides not less than 1 inch high. The top of the table shall be pitched so as to insure thorough draining to a 1 ½-inch drain connected to a suitable container especially provided and marked for that purpose.
(b) All scouring or brushing and spotting (prespotting) operations utilizing solvents rated higher than the solvent used in the plant dry cleaning machines shall be limited to one gallon and dispensed from approved safety cans. Additional storage shall be in approved safety cans of not over one gallon capacity or in unopened shipping containers.
(c) Scouring or brushing operations utilizing in excess of one gallon of solvent shall be conducted only in a room or building conforming to all the requirements for a dry cleaning system utilizing the same type of solvent.
(d) The total amount of solvent rated higher than 25 used on scouring or brushing tables or in scrubbing tubs, in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, shall not exceed 3 gallons. The scouring or brushing table or scrubbing tub shall be so located as to ensure thorough and effective disposal of vapors through the ventilating system. Scrubbing tubs shall be used only for articles, the character of which prevents their washing in the usual washing machines. Scrubbing tubs shall be secured to the floor and shall be provided with permanent 1 ½-inch trapped drains to a suitable container specially provided and marked for that purpose.