Sec. 16.5. The term “entertainment complex” means a premises that complies with one (1) or more of the following requirements:
(1) The premises:
(A) is a site for the performance of musical, theatrical, or other entertainment; and
(B) includes an area where at least six hundred (600) individuals may be seated at one (1) time in permanent seating.
(2) The premises:
(A) is located entirely within a four (4) mile radius of the center of a consolidated city;
(B) is used by a nonprofit organization primarily as a fine arts theater or for the professional performance of musical or theatrical entertainment; and
(C) has audience seating in one (1) or more performance spaces for at least two hundred (200) individuals.
As added by P.L.71-1996, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.216-2019, SEC.2; P.L.285-2019, SEC.3; P.L.194-2021, SEC.13.