- When the affidavit of incorporation is amended, a copy of the amendment shall be delivered to the secretary of state, for filing pursuant to part 3 of article 90 of this title, and upon such filing, the amendment shall become effective.
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1812 , § 10, effective July 1, 2002; p. 1676, § 8, effective October 1, 2002.)
- A certified copy of the amendment shall be recorded in the office of the clerk and recorder of the county in which the organization was organized and also in each county in which the corporation owns real estate.
Source: L. 07: p. 312, § 2. R.S. 08: § 1032. C.L. § 2398. L. 31: p. 251, § 25. CSA: C. 41, § 195. CRS 53: § 31-21-12. L. 55: p. 242, § 4. C.R.S. 1963: § 31-20-12. L. 83: (2) amended, p. 870, § 23, effective July 1. L. 2002: Entire section amended, p. 1812, § 10, effective July 1; entire section amended, p. 1676, § 8, effective October 1. L. 2003: (3) amended, p. 2213, § 45, effective July 1, 2004.