- The board of each district shall adopt and operate under an annual budget. The budget shall present a financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year, including at least the following information:
- Estimates of proposed expenditures for each department, board, office or other agency of the district showing, in addition, the expenditures for corresponding items for the last preceding fiscal year, projected expenditures for the current fiscal year and reasons for recommended departures from the current appropriations pattern in such detail as may be prescribed by the board. It is the intent of this subdivision (a)(1) that all moneys received and expended by a district shall be included in the budget. Therefore, notwithstanding any other law, no district may expend any moneys regardless of their source, including moneys derived from bond and long-term note proceeds, federal, state or private grants or loans, or special assessments, except in accordance with a budget adopted under this section;
- Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the district, including the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the condition of the sinking fund;
- Estimates of anticipated revenues of the district from all sources, including non-tax revenues and proceeds from the sale of any bonds, notes or other debt obligations with a comparative statement of the amounts received by the district from each of such sources for the last preceding fiscal year, the current fiscal year, and the coming fiscal year in such detail as may be prescribed by the board;
- A schedule of salaries by position and the number of people employed by the district;
- A statement of the estimated balance or deficit, as of the end of the current fiscal year;
- A statement of pending capital projects and proposed new capital projects, relating to respective amounts proposed to be raised for capital projects by appropriations in the budget and the respective amounts, if any, proposed to be raised for capital projects by the issuance of bonds, notes or other debt obligations during the fiscal year; and
- Such other supporting schedules as the board deems necessary, or is otherwise required by law.
- Prior to adoption by the district, a copy of the proposed budget shall be filed with the clerk or recorder of the appropriate county or municipality, who shall then distribute copies to members of the appropriate legislative body and to members of municipal legislative bodies participating in the district, at least thirty (30) days before the next scheduled meeting of the legislative body. A copy of the proposed budget shall also be filed with the chief administrative officer of the appropriate county or municipality at the same time the budget is filed with the clerk or recorder. Prior to adoption of the budget, the board of directors shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget for which adequate public notice has been given. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall prohibit a district from adopting the proposed budget or delay the orderly adoption of the annual budget by the district’s board of directors.
- Within thirty (30) days after the budget’s adoption by the district board, the budget, and any amendments to the budget, shall be filed with the clerk or recorder of the appropriate county or municipality, who shall then distribute copies to members of the appropriate legislative body. Within thirty (30) days after its adoption by the district board, the budget, and any amendments to the budget shall be filed with the chief administrative officer of the appropriate county or municipality. Nothing in this subsection (c) shall prohibit or limit the authority of the board of directors from amending a budget after adoption.