- Effective July 1, 2017, any member of the board of directors of an emergency communications district with four (4) consecutive unexcused absences or who fails to attend at least fifty percent (50%) of regularly scheduled meetings within any twelve-month period shall automatically be removed from the board.
- Upon removal of a member pursuant to subdivision (a)(1), the chair of the board of directors or acting chair shall notify the appointing authority in writing that a member has been removed and that a vacancy exists on the board. A successor shall be appointed to serve the remainder of the term of the member being replaced. Any member removed pursuant to subdivision (a)(1), shall be eligible for reappointment at any time by the appointing authority.
- If a member of a board of directors of an emergency communications district, or a board of directors of an emergency communications district, refuses to carry out either this chapter or an order of the board after May 20, 1998, such member or board may be removed by order of the chancery court in a jurisdiction in which such emergency communications district operates, upon petition by either the board, or a city or county governing body in the service area of such district.
- If a member of a board of directors of an emergency communications district or a board of directors of an emergency communications district knowingly or willfully neglects to perform the duties of such office, such member or board may be removed by order of the chancery court in the jurisdiction in which the emergency communications district operates, upon petition by either the board or a county or city governing body in the service area of such district.
- Any member removed pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) or (b)(2) shall not be eligible for reappointment at any time.