71.36.020 Plan for early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment services.
[2003 c 281 § 4; 1991 c 326 § 13.] Repealed by 2007 c 359 § 13.
71.36.030 Children’s mental health services delivery system — Local planning efforts.
[1991 c 326 § 14.] Repealed by 2007 c 359 § 13.
71.36.050 Report on implementation status.
[2003 c 281 § 3.]
Expired June 30, 2006.71.36.900 Part headings not law-1991 c 326.
[1991 c 326 § 17.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.71.36.901 Severability-1991 c 326.
[1991 c 326 § 19.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.