The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control shall have the authority to:
(1) Conduct and supervise research programs for the purpose of determining the causes, effects and hazards of noise;
(2) Conduct and supervise statewide programs of noise control education, including the preparation and distribution of information relating to noise control;
(3) Enter and inspect any building or place, except private residences, for the purpose of investigating an actual or suspected source of noise and ascertaining compliance or noncompliance of any statute, rule or regulation of the Department. Any information relating to secret processes or methods of manufacture or production obtained in the course of such inspection, investigation or determination shall be kept confidential and shall not be admissible in evidence in any court or in any other proceedings except to the extent herein provided. If tests of any type are made for the purpose of determining whether or not a violation has occurred, or for any other purpose in connection with such entry and inspection, a duplicate of the results of the tests shall be furnished promptly to the person suspected of violating the statute, code or regulation;
(4) With the approval of the Governor, cooperate with and receive money from the federal government, the state government or any county or municipal government or from private sources for the study and control of noise; and
(5) Review and approve any plan to construct any highway corridor, the construction or operation of which may in the opinion of the Department cause or contribute to an amount of noise deemed excessive by the Department.
63 Del. Laws, c. 369, § 1;