(a) No provision of this title shall prevent any distillery or brewery, duly licensed by the United States or by this State to manufacture alcohol or spirits in this State, or any wine manufacturer in this State from having or keeping for sale in his establishment in this State the alcoholic liquor so licensed to be manufactured by him, or from selling or delivering the same in accordance with the provisions of this title.
(b) If alcoholic liquor is to be shipped by a distillery or manufacturer to a place within this State, the distillery or manufacturer may sell it only to the Commissioner or under the published rules of the Commissioner and the distillery or manufacturer shall in every case comply with every other applicable provision of this title.
(c) The Commissioner may, upon the conditions it determines, grant to any distillery, duly licensed by the United States or by this State to manufacture alcohol or spirits in this State, a special license authorizing the distillery to purchase and to import, from such persons as are entitled to sell the same, wines or spirits to be used for the sole purpose of blending with and flavoring such products.
(d) No provision of this title shall prevent the Commissioner from agreeing to the sale and delivery of potable and non-potable alcohol from a distillery direct to a manufacturer of articles requiring such alcohol, if such sale and delivery be made subject to such conditions as the Commissioner publishes.
38 Del. Laws, c. 18, §§ 40, 42; Code 1935, §§ 6168, 6170; 42 Del. Laws, c. 190, § 1; 4 Del. C. 1953, § 727; 59 Del. Laws, c. 107, § 65; 67 Del. Laws, c. 109, § 19; 72 Del. Laws, c. 486, § 11;