The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
(1) “Articles of dedication” shall mean the writing by which any estate, interest or right in an area is formally dedicated as permitted by § 7306 of this title.
(2) “Council” shall mean the Delaware Natural Areas Advisory Council.
(3) “Dedicate” and “dedication” shall mean the transfer to the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, for and on behalf of the State, of an estate, interest or right in an area in any manner permitted by § 7306 of this title.
(4) “Department” shall mean the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
(5) “Natural area” shall mean an area of land or water, or of both land and water, whether in public or private ownership, which either retains or has reestablished its natural character (although it need not be undisturbed), or has unusual flora or fauna, or has biotic, geological, scenic or archaeological features of scientific or educational value.
(6) “Nature preserve” shall mean a natural area, any estate, interest or right in which has been formally dedicated under this chapter.
(7) “Secretary” shall mean the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
(8) “System” shall mean the nature preserves held under this chapter.
61 Del. Laws, c. 212, § 2;