RCW 77.105.020
Department responsibilities—Report to the legislature.
(1) Consistent with available revenue, commission policies, tribal comanager agreements, and limitations of the endangered species act, the department, in consultation with the oversight committee created in RCW 77.105.160, shall adaptively manage the Puget Sound recreational salmon and marine fish enhancement program to maximize the benefits to the Puget Sound recreational fishery.
(2) The department has the following duties:
(a) The department shall utilize a program of hatchery-based salmon enhancement and solicit support from cooperative projects, regional enhancement groups, and other supporting organizations to improve recreational salmon fishing in Puget Sound.
(b) The department may conduct comprehensive research on resident and migratory salmon production opportunities on marine bottomfish production limitations, and on methods for artificial propagation of depleted marine bottomfish.
(c) The program must facilitate continued and improved recreational fishing opportunities in Puget Sound and Lake Washington as measured by increased angler trips of participation. The coordinator, as identified in RCW 77.105.010, shall assist the oversight committee with development of recommendations for outcome-based goals and objectives to assess the effectiveness of the program.
(d) The director shall meet with the oversight committee each year to review and approve these goals and objectives.
(e) The director and oversight committee shall report annually to the commission on the goals of the program and the effectiveness of the program in meeting those goals. Objectives include, but are not limited to, an increase in salmon and bottomfish angler trips.
(f) The department and the oversight committee shall seek to reach consensus regarding program activities and expenditures. The department shall provide the oversight committee with a written explanation when the department expends funds from the recreational fisheries enhancement account that differs substantially from oversight committee recommendations.
(g) Consistent with RCW 43.01.036, the department and oversight committee shall make a joint report to the legislature on the effectiveness of this program in biennial reports. Reports must include the goals and objectives of the previous biennium and a determination of whether the goals and objectives were met and an explanation if the department did not meet these specific objectives.
[ 2011 c 266 § 2; 1993 sp.s. c 2 § 84. Formerly RCW 75.54.020.]