RCW 77.55.041
Derelict fishing, crab, and other shellfish gear—Removal.
(1) The removal of derelict fishing gear does not require a permit under this chapter if the gear is removed according to the guidelines described in RCW 77.12.865.
(2) The removal of crab and other shellfish gear does not require a permit under this chapter if the gear is removed under a permit issued pursuant to RCW 77.70.500.
[ 2010 c 193 § 10; 2005 c 146 § 302; 2002 c 20 § 4. Formerly RCW 77.55.330.]NOTES:
Part headings not law—2005 c 146: See note following RCW 77.55.011.
Finding—Purpose—2002 c 20: See note following RCW 77.12.865.