RCW 79.02.095
Statutes not applicable to state tidelands, shorelands, harbor areas, and the beds of navigable waters.
RCW 79.11.080, 79.11.010, 79.11.110, * 79.01.140, 79.11.160, 79.10.125, 79.13.130, * 79.01.252, * 79.01.256, * 79.01.260, * 79.01.264, 79.13.180, 79.02.260, 79.13.320, 79.13.410, 79.13.010, and * 79.01.277 do not apply to state tidelands, shorelands, harbor areas, and the beds of navigable waters.
[ 2003 c 334 § 317; 1979 ex.s. c 109 § 22. Formerly RCW 79.01.093.]NOTES:
*Reviser’s note: RCW 79.01.140, 79.01.252, 79.01.256, 79.01.260, 79.01.264, and 79.01.277 were repealed by 2003 c 334 § 551.
Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
Severability—Effective date—1979 ex.s. c 109: See notes following RCW 79.11.040.