799.05 Summons.
(1) Contents. The summons shall state the nature of the demand substantially in the terms of one or more of the provisions of s. 799.01, and, except as provided in ss. 806.30 to 806.44, the dollar amount of damages, if any, the last-known address of the parties and the name, state bar number, if any, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, if any. The caption shall include the standardized description of the case classification type and associated code number as approved by the director of state courts.
(2) Signing. The process shall be signed by the clerk or by any attorney duly authorized to practice law in this state and shall be issued by the clerk only to a person authorized to appear under s. 799.06 (2), and not otherwise.
(3) Return date.
(a) Every summons shall specify a return date and time.
(b) Except in eviction actions, the return date for a summons served upon a resident of this state shall be not less than 8 days nor more than 30 days from the issue date, and service shall be made not less than 8 days prior to the return date. In eviction actions, the return date for a summons served upon a resident of this state shall be not less than 5 days nor more than 25 days from the issue date, and service shall be made not less than 5 days prior to the return date.
(c) The return date for a summons served upon a nonresident of this state shall be not less than 20 days from the issue date.
(d) The clerk shall set the day and hour at which the summons is returnable.
(4) Clerk to furnish time of return. If a summons is signed by an attorney, the attorney shall obtain from the clerk of court the hour and date within the limits of sub. (3) on which to make the summons returnable.
(5) Noting date of mailing. After a copy of the summons has been mailed, the clerk shall note the date of mailing on the original.
(6) Form. Except as provided in s. 799.22 (4) (b) 3., the summons shall be substantially in the following form:
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ….
, Plaintiff
C. D.
Address …. (Case Classification Type): …. (Code No.)
City, State Zip Code
, Defendant
THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to appear and plead to the Plaintiff’s complaint in the above court at …. in the (city) (village) of …., on the …. day of …., …. (year), at …. o’clock (a.m.) (p.m.). [A copy of the complaint is hereto attached.] [The Plaintiff will state his or her demand on that date.] In case of your failure to appear, a judgment may be rendered against you in accordance with the demands made by the Plaintiff. The nature of the demand being made upon you is …. (state in terms of s. 799.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes) and the amount of damages, if any, demanded is …..
Dated: …., ….(year)
Signed: …. ….
E. F., Clerk of Circuit Court
G. H., Plaintiff’s Attorney
State Bar No.: ….
Address: ….
City, State Zip Code: ….
Phone No.: ….
(7) Form; circuit court commissioner. Except as provided in s. 799.22 (4) (b) 3., in counties in which a circuit court commissioner is assigned to assist in small claims matters, the summons shall be substantially in the following form:
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ….
, Plaintiff
City, State Zip Code
, Defendant
THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to the Defendant:
You are being sued for:
…. Eviction
…. Return of Property
…. Confirmation, vacation, modification or correction of arbitration award
…. $……..
If you wish to dispute this matter, you must then be in Room …., of the …. (County) County Courthouse, …. (address), …. (city), Wisconsin before …. o’clock (a.m.) (p.m.), on …., …. (year). If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the person suing you for what that person is asking.
You are encouraged to bring with you all papers and documents relating to this matter, but there is no need to bring witnesses at this time.
Dated at …. County, Wisconsin, this …. day of …., …. (year)
Signed: …. ….
E. F., Clerk of Circuit Court
G. H., Plaintiff’s Attorney
State Bar No.: ….
Address: ….
City, State Zip Code: ….
Phone No.: ….
History: 1977 c. 345; 1977 c. 449 s. 497; 1979 c. 32 ss. 66, 92 (16); 1979 c. 108; 1979 c. 176 s. 85; 1979 c. 177 s. 85; Stats. 1979 s. 799.05; Sup. Ct. Order, 130 Wis. 2d xi (1986); 1987 a. 142, 208, 403; 1989 a. 56; 1991 a. 163, 236; Sup. Ct. Order, 171 Wis. 2d xix (1992); 1993 a. 80; 1997 a. 250; 2001 a. 61; 2013 a. 76.
Judicial Council Note, 1986: Sub. (3) is amended by extending from 17 to 30 days the period between the issuance of the summons and the return date, in order to permit timely service on defendants who are not residents of the county where the action is pending. [Re Order eff. 7-1-86]