(a) If less than fifty-five percent of the legal votes cast by the qualified voters of any of the affected counties approve consolidation, then consolidation is defeated. The county charter review committee may reconvene for up to one year to adopt a second proposed charter.
(b) When the second proposed charter is adopted by the county charter review committee, then the governing bodies of the affected counties shall hold another election on the second proposed charter at the next primary or general election in accordance with applicable election laws and section two of this article.
(c) The ballots for the election on the second proposed charter shall be as follows:
[ ] For [ ] Against(d) If the second proposed charter is not approved by at least fifty-five percent of the legal votes cast by the qualified voters of the affected counties, then the proposed consolidation is defeated. A new county charter review committee cannot be established for at least two years after the second proposed charter is defeated.