- The director shall establish the interagency advisory committee on apprenticeship to oversee apprenticeship programs that are not within the jurisdiction of the SAC.
- The IAC consists of fourteen members appointed as follows:
- The director shall appoint eight voting members who represent, and are regularly evaluated to ensure that the representation aligns with, high-demand jobs, as stated in the annual Colorado talent report prepared pursuant to section 24-46.3-103 (3), as follows:
- Three representatives of employer organizations that are not within the building and construction trades; at least one of whom represents an employer involved with a program explicitly targeting populations with barriers to employment, including women, people of color, ex-offenders, and persons with disabilities; one of whom represents youth with barriers to employment; and one of whom represents out-of-school youth;
- Three representatives from employee organizations that are not within the building and construction trades;
- One representative from a qualified intermediary; and
- One member of the public.
- The governor shall appoint the six nonvoting, ex officio members, one of whom is a representative of the department of higher education, and five of whom are appointed pursuant to section 8-15.7-103 (2)(a)(II) to the IAC.
- The director shall appoint eight voting members who represent, and are regularly evaluated to ensure that the representation aligns with, high-demand jobs, as stated in the annual Colorado talent report prepared pursuant to section 24-46.3-103 (3), as follows:
- Of the members appointed by the director, the initial term of office of one employer member, one employee member, and one representative of the public is three years and the initial term of office of the remaining five members is four years. Thereafter, the terms of the members are four years.
- The terms of office of the nonvoting, ex officio members appointed pursuant to subsection (2)(a)(II) of this section are the same as the terms of office of those members as specified in section 8-15.7-103 (2)(b)(II).
- The director shall appoint one member of the IAC to serve as the chair for a term of two years. A chair may be appointed to serve no more than two full terms.
- If a member fails to complete the member’s term, the appointing authority shall appoint a new member to complete the remainder of the term.
- Members shall serve without compensation for their service; except that members may receive a per diem as established by the director and reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
- The IAC:
- Shall meet at least quarterly and at the request of the director as needed to accomplish the objectives of the IAC;
- Shall provide timely written notice of all meetings to the department;
- May determine its own procedural rules; and
- Is subject to article 6 of title 24.
- No member of the IAC may receive any compensation from an apprenticeship program.
- The IAC consists of fourteen members appointed as follows:
- For all apprenticeships that are not within the building and construction trades and not under the jurisdiction of the SAC, the IAC shall:
- Register with and maintain the standards of the United States department of labor’s office of apprenticeship and develop minimum standards for registration of apprenticeship programs;
- Resolve conflicts and complaints that arise between parties to an apprenticeship agreement when a conflict exists, after the conflict has been addressed by local entities charged with this function under the relevant apprenticeship program standards and the SAA;
- Review program performance standards and make findings of fact and decisions on enforcement actions based on each review;
- Recommend additions and changes concerning rules about apprenticeship programs to the director;
- Provide technical and professional guidance for identifying and promoting best practices in registered apprenticeship programs;
- Develop administrative policies that ensure the safety and quality of registered apprenticeship programs and address, as warranted, the related needs of Colorado’s businesses, the labor workforce, and communities;
- Provide an annual report to the executive director with apprenticeship data disaggregated by age of population, race, gender, veteran status, disability, and industry;
- Advise the SAA regarding effective performance of the IAC’s assigned functions; and
- Formulate policies for the industries within the IAC’s jurisdiction as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this article 15.7.
Source: L. 2021: Entire article added, (HB 21-1007), ch. 309, p. 1886, § 1, effective July 1.