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As used in this article, unless a federal law or regulation or the context clearly requires a different meaning:

(a) “Accrued benefit” means on behalf of any member 2.75 percent per year of the members final average salary for the first 20 years of credited service. Additionally, 2 percent per year for 21 through 25 years and 1.5 percent per year for each year over 25 years will be credited with a maximum benefit of 90 percent of a members final average salary. A members accrued benefit may not exceed the limits of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code and is subject to the provisions of 8-22A-10 of this code.

(b) “Accumulated contributions” means the sum of all retirement contributions deducted from the compensation of a member, or paid on his or her behalf as a result of covered employment, together with regular interest on the deducted amounts.

(c) “Active military duty” means full-time duty in the active military service of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Marine Corps. The term does not include regularly required training or other duty performed by a member of a reserve component or National Guard unless the member can substantiate that he or she was called into the full-time active military service of the United States and has received no compensation during the period of that duty from any board or employer other than the armed forces.

(d) “Actuarial equivalent” means a benefit of equal value computed on the basis of the mortality table and interest rates as set and adopted by the board in accordance with the provisions of this article: Provided, That when used in the context of compliance with the federal maximum benefit requirements of section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, “actuarial equivalent” shall be computed using the mortality tables and interest rates required to comply with those requirements.

(e) “Annual compensation” means the wages paid to the member during covered employment within the meaning of section 3401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, but determined without regard to any rules that limit the remuneration included in wages based on the nature or location of employment or services performed during the plan year plus amounts excluded under section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code and less reimbursements or other expense allowances, cash or noncash fringe benefits, or both, deferred compensation and welfare benefits. Annual compensation for determining benefits during any determination period may not exceed the maximum compensation allowed as adjusted for cost-of-living in accordance with 5-10D-7 of this code and section 401(a) (17) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(f) “Annual leave service” means accrued annual leave.

(g) “Annuity starting date” means the first day of the month for which an annuity is payable after submission of a retirement application or the required beginning date, if earlier. For purposes of this subsection, if retirement income payments commence after the normal retirement age, “retirement” means the first day of the month following or coincident with the latter of the last day the member worked in covered employment or the members normal retirement age and after completing proper written application for retirement on an application supplied by the board.

(h) “Beneficiary” means a natural person who is entitled to, or will be entitled to, an annuity or other benefit payable by the plan.

(i) “Board” means the Consolidated Public Retirement Board.

(j) “Covered employment” means either: (1) Employment as a full-time municipal police officer or firefighter and the active performance of the duties required of that employment; or (2) the period of time during which active duties are not performed but disability benefits are received under this article; or (3) concurrent employment by a municipal police officer or firefighter in a job or jobs in addition to his or her employment as a municipal police officer or firefighter in this plan where the secondary employment requires the police officer or firefighter to be a member of another retirement system which is administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board pursuant to this code: Provided, That the police officer or firefighter contributes to the fund created in this article the amount specified as the members contribution in 8-22A-8 of this code.

(k) “Credited service” means the sum of a members years of service, active military duty and disability service.

(l) “Dependent child” means either: (1) An unmarried person under age 18 who is: (A) A natural child of the member; (B) a legally adopted child of the member; (C) a child who at the time of the members death was living with the member while the member was an adopting parent during any period of probation; or (D) a stepchild of the member residing in the members household at the time of the members death; or (2) Any unmarried child under age 23: (A) Who is enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited college or university; (B) who was claimed as a dependent by the member for federal income tax purposes at the time of the members death; and (C) whose relationship with the member is described in paragraph (A), (B) or (C), subdivision (1) of this subsection.

(m) “Dependent parent” means the father or mother of the member who was claimed as a dependent by the member for federal income tax purposes at the time of the members death.

(n) “Disability service” means service credit received by a member, expressed in whole years, fractions thereof, or both, equal to one half of the whole years, fractions thereof, or both, during which time a member receives disability benefits under this article.

(o) “Effective date” means January 1, 2010.

(p) “Employer error” means an omission, misrepresentation or deliberate act in violation of relevant provisions of the West Virginia Code or of the West Virginia Code of State Regulations or the relevant provisions of both the West Virginia Code and of the West Virginia Code of State Regulations by the participating public employer that has resulted in an underpayment or overpayment of contributions required.

(q) “Final average salary” means the average of the highest annual compensation received for covered employment by the member during any five consecutive plan years within the members last 10 years of service while employed, prior to any disability payment. If the member did not have annual compensation for the five full plan years preceding the members attainment of normal retirement age and during that period the member received disability benefits under this article, then “final average salary” means the average of the monthly compensation which the member was receiving in the plan year prior to the initial disability. “Final average salary” does not include any lump sum payment for unused, accrued leave of any kind or character.

(r) “Full-time employment” means permanent employment of an employee by a participating municipality in a position which normally requires 12 months per year service and requires at least 1,040 hours per year service in that position.

(s) “Fund” means the West Virginia Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement Fund created by this article.

(t) “Hour of service” means: (1) Each hour for which a member is paid or entitled to payment for covered employment during which time active duties are performed. These hours shall be credited to the member for the plan year in which the duties are performed; and (2) each hour for which a member is paid or entitled to payment for covered employment during a plan year but where no duties are performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity including disability, layoff, jury duty, military duty, leave of absence or any combination thereof and without regard to whether the employment relationship has terminated. Hours under this subdivision shall be calculated and credited pursuant to West Virginia Division of Labor rules. A member may not be credited with any hours of service for any period of time he or she is receiving benefits under 8-22A-17 and 8-22A-18 of this code; and (3) each hour for which back pay is either awarded or agreed to be paid by the employing municipality, irrespective of mitigation of damages. The same hours of service may not be credited both under subdivision (1) or (2) of this subsection and under this subdivision. Hours under this paragraph shall be credited to the member for the plan year or years to which the award or agreement pertains, rather than the plan year in which the award, agreement or payment is made.

(u) “Member” means, except as provided in 8-22A-32 and 8-22A-33 of this code, a person hired as a municipal police officer or municipal firefighter, as defined in this section, by a participating municipal employer on or after January 1, 2010. A member shall remain a member until the benefits to which he or she is entitled under this article are paid or forfeited.

(v) “Monthly salary” means the W-2 reportable compensation received by a member during the month.

(w) “Municipality” has the meaning ascribed to it in this code.

(x)(1) “Municipal police officer” means an individual employed as a member of a paid police department by a West Virginia municipality or municipal subdivision which has established and maintains a municipal policemens pension and relief fund, and who is not a member of, and not eligible for membership in, a municipal policemens pension and relief fund as provided in 8-22-16 of this code: Provided, That municipal police officer also means an individual employed as a member of a paid police department by a West Virginia municipality or municipal subdivision which is authorized to elect to participate in the plan pursuant to 8-22A-33 of this code. Paid police department does not mean a department whose employees are paid nominal salaries or wages or are paid only for services actually rendered on an hourly basis.

(2) “Municipal firefighter” means an individual employed as a member of a paid fire department by a West Virginia municipality or municipal subdivision which has established and maintains a municipal firemens pension and relief fund, and who is not a member of, and not eligible for membership in, a municipal firemens pension and relief fund as provided in 8-22-16 of this code: Provided, That municipal firefighter also means an individual employed as a member of a paid fire department by a West Virginia municipality or municipal subdivision which is authorized to elect to participate in the plan pursuant to 8-22A-33 of this code. Paid fire department does not mean a department whose employees are paid nominal salaries or wages or are paid only for services actually rendered on an hourly basis.