(a) General. -– Unless the municipality otherwise determines in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds or notes under the authority of this article, there is hereby created a statutory lien upon the subaccount created pursuant to section eight of this article and all special district excise tax revenues collected for the benefit of the district pursuant to section eleven-a, article ten, chapter eleven of this code for the purpose of securing the principal of the bonds or notes and the interest thereon.
(b) Security for debt service. -– The principal of and interest on any bonds or notes issued under the authority of this article shall be secured by a pledge of the special district excise tax revenues derived from the economic opportunity development district project by the municipality issuing the bonds or notes to the extent provided in the ordinance adopted by the municipality authorizing the issuance of the bonds or notes.
(c) Trust indenture. —
(1) In the discretion and at the option of the municipality, the bonds and notes may also be secured by a trust indenture by and between the municipality and a corporate trustee, which may be a trust company or bank having trust powers, within or without the State of West Virginia.