- “Employing unit” means any individual or type of organization, including any partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, limited liability limited partnership, association, trust, estate, joint stock company, insurance company, or corporation, whether domestic or foreign, or the receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee or successor of a trustee, or legal representative of a deceased person, that employs one or more individuals performing services within this state. All individuals performing services within this state for any employing unit that maintains two or more separate establishments within this state are deemed to be employed by a single employing unit for all the purposes of articles 70 to 82 of this title 8. Each individual employed to perform or to assist in performing the work of any agent or employee of an employing unit are deemed to be employed by the employing unit for all the purposes of articles 70 to 82 of this title 8, whether the individual was hired or paid directly by the employing unit or by the agent or employee if the employing unit had actual or constructive knowledge of the work.
- Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that a common paymaster, as defined by 26 CFR 31.3121(s)-1 (b)(2)(i), may be considered a single employing unit for purposes of considering the services performed by another employing unit subject to a single or common payroll.
- Notwithstanding subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b) of this section, an “employing unit” includes an employee leasing company or other employing entity that is owned by one or more persons licensed pursuant to article 10 of title 44 and that own at least fifty percent of an entity that shares the employee leasing company’s or other employing entity’s services. An employing unit described in this subsection (1)(c) is not a common paymaster for the purposes of articles 70 to 82 of this title 8.
- For purposes of this section:
- “Coemployer” means either an employee leasing company or a work-site employer.
- “Coemployment relationship” means a relationship that is intended to be an ongoing relationship rather than a temporary or project specific one, wherein the rights, duties, and obligations of an employer that arise out of an employment relationship have been allocated between coemployers pursuant to an employee leasing company contract and this section. In a coemployment relationship:
- The employee leasing company is entitled to enforce only such employer rights and is subject to only those obligations specifically allocated to the employee leasing company by the employee leasing company contract and this section;
- The work-site employer may enforce those rights and shall provide and perform those employer obligations allocated to the work-site employer by the employee leasing company contract and this section; and
- The work-site employer may enforce any right and shall perform any obligation of an employer not specifically allocated to the employee leasing company by the employee leasing company contract or this section.
- “Covered employee” or “work-site employee” means an individual who is in an employment relationship with both an employee leasing company and a work-site employer and has received written notice of the coemployment with the employee leasing company.
- The provisions of sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (III) relate solely to the employee leasing contract and not to any contract for workers’ compensation insurance or entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits.
- “Department” means the department of labor and employment.
- “Employee leasing company” means any person, business, or other entity that provides services to a work-site employer, as defined in subparagraph (VII) of this paragraph (a), pursuant to an employee leasing company contract, as defined in subparagraph (VI) of this paragraph (a).
- “Employee leasing company contract” means any written staff leasing contract, extended employee staffing or supply contract, or other contract under which an employee leasing company procures or receives from a work-site employer specified coemployer responsibilities for specified employees, designating itself as employer of such employees, and retaining the right of direction and control of such employees with regard to those employer responsibilities, including the rights and responsibilities set forth in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2). An employee leasing company may have other responsibilities pursuant to an employee leasing company contract, including provision of professional guidance with regard to employment matters.
- “Work-site employer” means any person, business, or other entity that procures the services of an employee leasing company under an employee leasing company contract and otherwise retains direction and control of the employees specified in the contract regarding responsibilities not specified in the contract pertaining to the business of the work-site employer.
- Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, an employee leasing company shall be considered an employing unit or the coemployer of a work-site employer’s employees if, pursuant to an employee leasing company contract with the work-site employer, it has the following rights and responsibilities:
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or the co-employer, assigns employees to the work-site employer’s locations;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, retains the right to set the employees’ rate of pay;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, retains the right to pay the employee from its own account or accounts;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, retains the right to direct and control the employees and such rights and responsibilities may be shared as specified in the employee leasing company contract;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, has the right to discharge, reassign, or hire employees to perform services for the work-site employer and the employee leasing company;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, has the responsibility for payment of wages to the workers pursuant to the employee leasing company contract. The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, has responsibility for reporting, withholding, and paying any applicable taxes and premiums with respect to the employee’s wages or payment of sponsored employee benefit plans pursuant to the employee leasing company contract.
- Each employee leasing company shall pay wages and collect, report, and pay all payroll-related taxes and premiums from its own accounts for all covered employees. Each employee leasing company shall be responsible for the payment of unemployment compensation insurance premiums and provide, maintain, and secure all records and documents required of work-site employers under the unemployment insurance laws of this state for covered employees.
- No later than the end of the calendar quarter immediately following August 5, 2009, each employee leasing company shall notify the division of unemployment insurance as to whether the employee leasing company elects to report and pay unemployment insurance premiums as the employing unit under its own unemployment accounts and premium rates or whether it elects to report unemployment premiums attributable to covered employees under the respective unemployment accounts and premium rates for each work-site employer. Under either election, the employee leasing company shall have the responsibility for unemployment compensation insurance as required of an employer pursuant to the “Colorado Employment Security Act”, articles 70 to 82 of this title. If the employee leasing company fails to make an election, the employee leasing company shall report unemployment premiums attributable to covered employees under the respective unemployment accounts and premium rates for each work-site employer.
- The election made in sub-subparagraph (B) of this subparagraph (VII) shall be binding on all employers and the employing unit’s related enterprises, subsidiaries, or other entities that share common ownership management or control with the employee leasing company. Employee leasing companies electing to report and pay unemployment insurance as the employing unit under its own unemployment accounts and premium rates following August 5, 2009, are permitted to change the election one time after the initial election to report unemployment premiums attributable to covered employees under the respective unemployment accounts of each work-site employer by notifying the division no later than the end of the current calendar quarter. An employee leasing company’s election to pay unemployment premiums under the respective unemployment accounts and premium rates of the work-site employer is final and may not be reversed.
- An employee leasing company, as the employing unit or coemployer, may aggregate all employees for the purpose of sponsoring and administering workers’ compensation plans pursuant to article 44 of this title and fully insured health coverage plans, as defined in section 10-16-102 (34), C.R.S., employee pension benefit plans, and provision of benefits pursuant to such plans. As employing units or coemployers, employee leasing companies shall be entitled to sponsor fully insured employer plans and offer employee benefits to the full extent afforded employers by law. A health plan sponsored by an employee leasing company with an aggregate of more than fifty employees shall comply with all the provisions of Colorado law that apply to large employer health plans, including consumer and provider protections, mandated benefits, nondiscrimination and fair marketing rules, preexisting limitations, and other required health plan policy provisions, and the carrier underwriting the plan shall be responsible for assuring compliance with this requirement pursuant to section 10-16-214 (5) , C.R.S. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, any workers’ compensation insurance carrier may issue an insurance policy that insures either the employee leasing company or the work-site employer as the employer pursuant to the “Workers’ Compensation Act of Colorado”, articles 40 to 47 of this title. Article 41 of this title shall apply to both the employee leasing company and the work-site employer, regardless of whether the policy is issued to the employee leasing company or the work-site employer. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, any insurance carrier may issue an insurance policy that insures the employee leasing company as the employer pursuant to article 16 of title 10, C.R.S. An insurance carrier that issues an insurance policy to an employee leasing company shall be entitled to rely upon a copy of the certification filed by the employee leasing company with the department under paragraph (e) of this subsection (2), if such certification is currently valid, for the purpose of determining whether the leasing company is an “employer” under Colorado law.
- The employee leasing company retains the right to provide for the welfare and benefit of the employees through such programs as professional guidance including, but not limited to, employment training, safety, and compliance matters;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, has the responsibility for addressing employee complaints, claims, or requests related to employment, except as otherwise provided pursuant to an existing collective bargaining agreement; except that some or all of the rights and responsibilities described in this subparagraph (X) may be shared with the work-site employer;
- The employee leasing company, as the employing unit or co-employer, intends to retain the right to maintain the employment relationship between the employee leasing company and its employees on a long-term, and not temporary, basis;
- The employees of the employee leasing company know of and consent to co-employment by the employee leasing company;
- The employee leasing company maintains employee records relating to employees of the employee leasing company; and
- Except as otherwise provided in the employee leasing company contract, the work-site employer has the responsibility for those policies and procedures related to the actual conduct of the work that leads to the work-site employer’s conduct of its business and the production of its goods or services.
- (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 207 , § 2, effective April 8, 1997.)
- If an employee leasing company does not meet the requirements of this subsection (2), the work-site employer shall be considered the employing unit.
- Each employee leasing company shall maintain and have open for inspection by the department a listing of its work-site employers and their collective employees and shall maintain the records and reports as required by the “Colorado Employment Security Act”, as described in articles 70 to 82 of this title. Each employee leasing company shall annually certify with an independent opinion of counsel to the department that it is in compliance with the rights and responsibilities set forth in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2) and that it is offering to all clients in its service agreements those items required in paragraph (b) of this subsection (2). The executive director of the department shall prescribe forms and promulgate rules to promote the efficient administration of this paragraph (e). The department may require employee leasing companies to submit documentation to show compliance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection (2) and may conduct any necessary review to verify that the employee leasing company is an employing unit or coemployer under this section. Each employee leasing company shall file an annual renewal of its certification on or before June 30 of each year.
- Each employee leasing company shall maintain and provide upon request to a carrier, as defined in section 10-16-102 (8) , C.R.S., with which the employee leasing company requests a contract, the certification required in paragraph (e) of this subsection (2).
- Each employee leasing company operating within this state as of August 5, 2008, shall complete its initial certification not later than sixty days after August 5, 2008. The initial certification shall be valid until the end of the state’s first fiscal year that is more than one year after August 5, 2008.
- An employee leasing company not operating within this state as of August 5, 2008, shall complete its initial certification prior to commencement of operations within this state.
- Each employee leasing company shall annually certify and provide evidence to the department that it meets one of the following criteria to provide securitization of unemployment premiums:
- Repealed. (A.5) On and after December 31, 2012, execute and file a surety bond or deposit with the division money or a letter of credit equivalent to fifty percent of the average annual amount of unemployment premium assessed within the previous calendar year for all covered employees regardless of the election made pursuant to subparagraph (VII) of paragraph (b) of this subsection (2). For a new employee leasing company, the initial bond amount is the unrated premium rate, as determined pursuant to section 8-76-102.5 , multiplied by fifty percent of the estimated projected chargeable payroll for the current calendar year as estimated by the employee leasing company.
- Provide the most recent independently audited financial statement prepared by a certified public accountant pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, which statement may not be older than thirteen months. The audit shall also include items that demonstrate an accounting working capital of not less than one hundred thousand dollars. For the purposes of this sub-subparagraph (B), “working capital” of an employee leasing company means the employee leasing company’s current assets minus the employee leasing company’s current liabilities as determined by generally accepted accounting principles.
- Provide sufficient evidence on an annual basis that it has been accredited by a bonded, independent, and qualified assurance organization approved by the director of the division that provides satisfactory assurance of compliance acceptable to the department.
- The department may, at its discretion, require the employee leasing company to provide evidence of compliance with sub-subparagraph (B) or (C) of subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (g) immediately.
- An employee leasing company shall, within fifteen days following any deduction from a money deposit or sale of deposited securities, deposit sufficient additional moneys or securities to make whole the employee leasing company’s deposit at the prior level. Any cash remaining from the department’s sale of such securities shall be a part of the employee leasing company’s escrow account. The department may, at any time, review the adequacy of the deposit made by any employee leasing company. If, as a result of such review, the department determines that an adjustment is necessary, it shall require the employee leasing company to make an additional deposit within thirty days after receipt of written notice of the department’s determination or shall return to the employee leasing company such portion of the deposit as the department no longer considers necessary, whichever action is appropriate.
- Upon filing an annual certification under this section, an employee leasing company shall pay a fee, as determined by rule of the department, not to exceed five hundred dollars. Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the employee leasing company certification fund, referred to in this section as the “fund”, which is hereby created in the state treasury. Moneys in the fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for implementation of this section. The moneys in the fund and interest earned on the moneys in the fund shall not revert to the general fund or be transferred to any other fund. No fee charged pursuant to this section shall exceed the amount reasonably necessary for the administration of this section.
- The department shall maintain a list of employee leasing companies that submit certifications required under paragraph (e) of this subsection (2) that is readily available to the public by electronic or other means.
- All records, reports, and other information obtained from an employee leasing company under this section, except to the extent necessary for the proper administration of this section by the department, shall be held confidential and shall not be published or open to public inspection other than to public employees in the performance of their public duties, pursuant to provisions governing records and reports in this title.
- For purposes of this section:
- The status of an employee leasing company as the employing unit or a co-employer of a work-site employer’s employees shall be revoked by the division if such employee leasing company fails to file the required reports or pay the premiums due under the provisions of articles 70 to 82 of this title. The effective date of a revocation shall be the first day of the quarter for which the reports and premiums are due. In the event of a revocation, the work-site employer shall become liable for the reports and premiums due.
- The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall apply if any portion of an employing unit’s business activity can be characterized as an employee leasing company, as defined in subsection (2) of this section.
- The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall not apply if an employee leasing company acts as an agent for a work-site employer pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, files the required reports, and pays the premiums due under an account established for the work-site employer.
- The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall not apply to any temporary help contracting firm, as defined in section 8-73-105.5. However, if any portion of such firm’s business activity can be characterized as an employee leasing company, as defined in subsection (2) of this section, that portion of the firm’s business shall be subject to the provisions of this subsection (3).
- An employee leasing company shall not report wages for any work-site employer that would not otherwise be subject to articles 70 to 82 of this title.
- An employee leasing company or business management company shall not report remuneration paid:
- For services performed by individuals who are clients and who are sole proprietors or partners in a partnership; or
- For any other services which would not otherwise constitute employment pursuant to articles 70 to 82 of this title.
- Nothing in this section shall exempt a work-site employer or any employee from any other licensing requirements imposed by local, state, or federal law. An employee who is licensed, registered, or certified by a unit of local, state, or federal government shall, for the purposes of such license, registration, or certification, be considered an employee of the work-site employer. An employee leasing company shall not be deemed to engage in any occupation, trade, profession, or other activity that is subject to licensing, registration, or certification requirements, or is otherwise regulated by a governmental entity, solely by entering into and maintaining an employee leasing company contract with a work-site employer or work-site employees who are subject to such requirements or regulation.
- Collective bargaining agreements. Nothing contained in this subsection (6) or in any employee leasing company contract shall affect, modify, or amend any collective bargaining agreement, or the rights or obligations of any work-site employer, employee leasing company, or work-site employee under the federal “National Labor Relations Act”, 29 U.S.C. sec. 151 et seq., or the federal “Railway Labor Act”, 45 U.S.C. sec. 151 et seq.
- Tax or premium credits and other incentives. For purposes of determination of employment-based tax or premium credits, such as economic development, enterprise zone, development zone, and other such economic incentives provided by the state or any other governmental entity, work-site employees shall be deemed employees solely of the work-site employer. A work-site employer shall be entitled to the benefit of any tax or premium credit, economic incentive, or other benefit arising as the result of the employment of work-site employees of the work-site employer. If the grant or amount of any credit, benefit, or other incentive is based on number of employees, then each work-site employer shall be treated as employing only those work-site employees coemployed by the work-site employer. Work-site employees working for other work-site employers of the employee leasing company shall not be counted. Upon request by a work-site employer or an agency or department of this state, each employee leasing company shall provide employment information reasonably required by any agency or department of this state responsible for administration of any tax or premium credit or economic incentive and necessary to support any request, claim, application, or other action by a work-site employer seeking the tax or premium credit or economic incentive.
- Disadvantaged business. With respect to a bid, contract, purchase order, or agreement entered into with the state or a political subdivision of the state, a work-site employer’s status or certification as a small, minority-owned, disadvantaged, or women-owned business enterprise or as a historically underutilized business is not affected because the work-site employer has entered into an employee leasing company contract or uses the services of an employee leasing company.
- Taxes, premiums, fees, other assessments. (I) A tax, premium, fee, surcharge, penalty, or any other assessment on a work-site employer or employee leasing company on the basis of the number of employees shall be assessed:
- Against the work-site employer for the work-site employees under the employee leasing company contract with the employee leasing company; and
- Against the employee leasing company for the employees of the employee leasing company who are not work-site employees for any work-site employers in the state.
(II) For a tax or premium imposed or calculated upon the basis of total payroll, an employee leasing company may apply any small business allowance or exemption available to the work-site employer for the work-site employees for purposes of computing the tax or premium.
(III) The provisions of this paragraph (e) shall not apply to the reporting, withholding, and paying of taxes or premiums pursuant to subparagraphs (VI) and (VII) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section.
- Employment arrangements. Nothing in this section or in any employee leasing company contract shall:
- Diminish, abolish, or remove rights of covered employees of a work-site employer or obligations of such work-site employer to a covered employee existing prior to the effective date of the employee leasing company contract;
- Affect, modify, or amend any contractual relationship or restrictive covenant between a covered employee and any work-site employer in effect at the time an employee leasing company contract becomes effective. Nor shall it prohibit or amend any contractual relationship or restrictive covenant that is entered into subsequently between a work-site employer and a covered employee. An employee leasing company shall have no responsibility or liability in connection with, or arising out of, any such existing or new contractual relationship or restrictive covenant unless the employee leasing company has specifically agreed otherwise in writing.
- Create any new or additional enforceable right of a covered employee against an employee leasing company that is not specifically provided by the employee leasing company contract or this section.
- Prohibited acts and enforcement.
- A person shall not offer or provide employee leasing company services or use the names employee leasing company, professional employer organization, PEO, staff leasing, employee leasing, administrative employer, or other title representing employee leasing services without first obtaining certification from the department under this section.
- A person shall not knowingly provide false or fraudulent information to the department in conjunction with any certifications or in any report required under this section.
- The executive director of the department may take disciplinary action against an employee leasing company for a violation of paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (8), for the conviction in a court of law for a crime arising from the operation of an employee leasing company relating to fraud or deceit or the ability of the employee leasing company to operate as such, for knowingly making a material misrepresentation to the department or other governmental agency, or for a willful violation of this section or any order or rule issued by the department under this section.
- Upon finding, after notice and opportunity for hearing, that an employee leasing company has violated one or more provisions of this section, the director of the division may:
- Place the certified employee leasing company on probation for a period and subject to conditions that the director of the division specifies;
- Impose an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each material violation; and
- Refuse to accept the certification and rescind the employee leasing company’s ability to make unemployment insurance contributions for work-site employees under its unemployment insurance account.
Source: L. 90: Entire section added, p. 591, § 3, effective April 3. L. 93: Entire section amended, p. 705, § 1, effective May 6. L. 97: (2) to (4) amended and (6) added, p. 207, § 2, effective April 8. L. 98: (1) amended, p. 68, § 1, effective March 23. L. 99: (2)(b)(VIII) and (2)(e) amended and (2)(f) added, p. 146, § 1, effective March 25. L. 2007: (6) amended, p. 553, § 1, effective August 3. L. 2008: (2)(a), (2)(b)(VII), (2)(b)(VIII), and (2)(e) amended and (2)(g), (7), and (8) added, pp. 916, 920, §§ 1, 2, effective August 5. L. 2009: (2)(b)(VI), (2)(b)(VII), IP(2)(g)(III), (2)(g)(III)(A), (3)(a), (3)(c), (6)(c), and (6)(e) amended, (HB 09-1363), ch. 363, p. 1879, § 5, effective July 1; IP(2)(b), (2)(b)(VII), and (2)(g)(III)(A) amended, (SB 09-258), ch. 250, p. 1123, § 1, effective August 5. L. 2010: (2)(b)(VII)(B) and (2)(b)(VII)(C) amended, (HB 10-1422), ch. 419, p. 2065, § 12, effective August 11. L. 2011: (2)(g)(III)(A) amended and (2)(g)(III)(A.5) added, (HB 11-1288), ch. 212, p. 926, § 9, effective July 1. L. 2012, 1st Ex. Sess.: (2)(g)(III)(A) amended, (HB 12S-1002), ch. 2, p. 2425, § 3, effective June 1. L. 2013: (2)(b)(VIII) amended, (HB 13-1266), ch. 217, p. 985, § 41, effective May 13. L. 2015: (2)(g)(VI) amended, (HB 15-1261), ch. 322, p. 1313, § 3, effective June 5; (2)(g)(IV) and (2)(g)(V) amended, (SB 15-264), ch. 259, p. 942, § 10, effective August 5. L. 2021: (1) amended, (HB 21-1204), ch. 73, p. 293, § 1, effective April 29.
Editor’s note:
- Amendments to subsections (2)(b)(VII) and (2)(g)(III)(A) by Senate Bill 09-258 and House Bill 09-1363 were harmonized.
- Subsection (2)(g)(III)(A) provided for the repeal of subsection (2)(g)(III)(A), effective December 31, 2012. (See L. 2012, p. 2425 .)
Cross references: For the legislative declaration contained in the 1997 act amending subsections (2) to (4) and enacting subsection (6), see section 1 of chapter 77, Session Laws of Colorado 1997.