(a) A system shall be established to improve highway safety by identifying those drivers whose have repeatedly been convicted of moving violations. The system shall encompass a procedure by which every person convicted of a motor vehicle moving violation shall be assessed one (1) or more violation points according to the schedule set forth in section 803. A person who accumulates twelve (12) or more violation points at any time shall have his driving privileges suspended for a period of not less than six (6) months upon petition to the Court by the Director, Bureau of Motor Vehicles; provided, however, that points shall not be tallied for violations occurring more than three years prior thereto. A suspension under this subsection shall be in addition to any other suspension of driving privileges required by the Virgin Islands Code; provided, however, that such suspensions may run concurrently. Subsequent to the six-month suspension of driving privileges and upon reinstatement thereof, a person’s total point count shall be reduced to zero.
(b) If a person is not convicted of any moving violations during a calendar year, the Director, Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall deduct three (3) points from that person’s total. A maximum of three (3) points may be deducted in any calendar year. However, such a deduction may not reduce the person’s total point count to less than zero.
(c) In addition to the penalties set forth in subsection (a) above, any person convicted of a motor vehicle moving violation which results in an accident shall pay a $25.00 fee and participate in a three (3) hour driving education course to be administered by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The course shall be taught by certified driving instructors at facilities operated by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles or a certified driving school; provided, however, that no instructor shall be hired as a full-time government employee for the purposes of this subsection. Instructors shall be paid a per diem of $75.00 from monies appropriated from the Personalized License Plate Fund, established pursuant to Title 33, section 3065, Virgin Islands Code. Upon the successful completion of the driver education course, each participant shall be issued a Driver’s Certificate evidencing participation in the program and shall have four (4) points deducted from his accumulated total. The Director, Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall establish rules and regulations for the administration of the driver education course, inclusive of criteria pertinent to the certification of the course’s instructors.
(d) Any person convicted of a moving violation which does not result in an accident, may voluntarily participate in the driver’s education course set forth above upon payment of the $25.00 fee. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the moving violation charged will be expunged from the driver’s record; provided, however, that a driver may have only one conviction expunged from his record within a twelve-month period.