83.42 Rustic roads system.
(1) Purpose. In order to create and preserve rustic and scenic roads for vehicular, bicycle, electric scooter, electric personal assistive mobility device, and pedestrian travel in unhurried, quiet and leisurely enjoyment; to protect and preserve recreational driving, culture, beauty, trees, vegetation and wildlife by establishing protective standards of rustic road design, access, speed, maintenance and identification, which will promote a continuous system of rustic roads and scenic easements for the public health and welfare; a state system of rustic roads is created.
(2) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Board” means the rustic roads board in the department.
(b) “Municipality” means a city, village or town.
(3) Designation as a rustic road. Any county highway committee or the governing body of any municipality may apply to the board for the designation of any highway under its jurisdiction as a rustic road. The board shall approve or deny the application for designation of a highway as a rustic road submitted under this subsection.
(4) Withdrawal of highways from rustic roads system. After holding a public hearing, any county highway committee, or the governing body of any municipality, which has jurisdiction over a rustic road may apply to the board for the removal of a highway from the rustic roads system. The board shall approve or deny the application for removal of the highway from its designation as a rustic road.
(5) Joint jurisdiction of highways. Highways under the joint jurisdiction of 2 or more municipalities or a municipality and a county or 2 or more counties may not be designated rustic roads or be withdrawn from the rustic roads system until after approval by:
(a) The governing bodies of all affected municipalities; and
(b) The county highway committees of all affected counties; and
(c) The board.
(7) Local authority. The county highway committees, the municipalities and the counties shall have the same authority over rustic roads as they possess over other highways under their jurisdiction except as otherwise provided in this section.
(8) Aids. State aids for rustic roads shall be determined in accordance with the general transportation aids provisions of s. 86.30.
(8m) Rustic road marking signs; state payment. The department shall pay the costs of furnishing and installing rustic roads marking signs on officially designated rustic roads from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (3) (eq).
(9) Rules and standards. The board shall promulgate rules and establish standards for the maintenance, identification, construction, use and preservation of the rustic roads system.
History: 1973 c. 142; 1979 c. 100, 154, 355; 1981 c. 20 s. 2202 (51) (c); 1983 a. 55; 1985 a. 223 s. 5; 1991 a. 39; 1995 a. 338; 2001 a. 90; 2019 a. 11.