§ 83-79-3. Insurers authorized to transact homeowners insurance business in Mississippi required to provide certain policy and premium information to Department of Insurance; specific information to be provided
Each insurance company and the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association (herein after “insurers”) authorized to transact homeowners insurance business in the State of Mississippi shall once every three (3) years submit to the Mississippi Insurance Department, commencing on or before October 1, 2015, for homeowners insurance policies, computations of the total amount of direct incurred losses, direct earned premiums, policy limits, reinsurance, allocated loss adjustment expense and the number of policies in force by earned house years for the prior calendar year.
The insurers shall report the computations to the department by zip code.
Such information shall be provided for each of the following policy categories:
All homeowners policies that include windstorm coverage;
All homeowners policies that exclude windstorm coverage; and
All policies that only include windstorm coverage.
The information received by the department shall be aggregated across all insurers collectively and the aggregated totals shall be arranged by zip code.
Homeowners insurance policies shall include condominium insurance, dwelling fire policies, renters/tenants insurance and mobile home/manufactured housing property insurance.
Creditor-placed property insurance, condominium association insurance and commercial insurance are excluded from this chapter.
Based upon the information submitted to or otherwise gathered by the department, the department may post on the department website the aggregated total of the computations provided under subsection (1) of this section by zip code for the prior calendar year. The department may also post on the department website a general description of the rate-making methodology that the department allows insurers to use in establishing their homeowners rates.
Each insurer authorized to transact homeowners insurance business in the state shall submit to the department catastrophe wind/hail information pursuant to a data call by the department based on a specific catastrophic event.