Those primary care providers who offer direct primary care services to their patients may not decline to accept new direct primary care patients or discontinue care to existing patients solely because of the patient’s health status. A direct primary care provider may decline to accept a patient if the practice has reached its maximum capacity, or if the patient’s medical condition is such that the provider is unable to provide the appropriate level and type of primary care services the patient requires. So long as the direct primary care provider provides the patient notice and opportunity to obtain care from another physician, the direct primary care provider may discontinue care for direct primary care patients if:
The patient fails to pay the periodic fee;
The patient has performed an act of fraud;
The patient repeatedly fails to adhere to the recommended treatment plan;
The patient is abusive and presents an emotional or physical danger to the staff or other patients of the direct practice;
The direct primary care provider discontinues operation as a direct primary care provider; or
The direct primary care physician feels that the relationship is no longer therapeutic for the patient due to a dysfunctional physician/patient relationship.