§ 83-9-49. Limit on exclusion of preexisting condition from health and accident insurance coverage; definition of preexisting condition; exceptions
Any group hospital, health or medical expense insurance policy, hospital or medical service contract, health and accident insurance policy or any other insurance contract of this type which is delivered or issued for delivery in this state on or after January 1, 1994, shall not deny, exclude or limit benefits for a covered individual for losses due to a preexisting condition incurred more than twelve (12) months following the effective date of the individual’s coverage. Any group policy, contract or plan subject to this section shall not contain a definition of a preexisting condition more restrictive than the following:
A condition that would have caused an ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment during the six (6) months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage;
A condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received during the six (6) months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage.
Any individual hospital, health or medical expense insurance policy, hospital or medical service contract, health and accident insurance policy or any other insurance contract of this type which is delivered or issued for delivery in this state on or after January 1, 1994, shall not deny, exclude or limit benefits for a covered individual for losses due to a preexisting condition incurred more than twelve (12) months following the effective date of the individual’s coverage. Any individual policy, contract or plan subject to this section shall not contain a definition of a preexisting condition more restrictive than the following:
A condition that would have caused an ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage;
A condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage;
A pregnancy existing on the effective date of coverage.
This section shall not apply to hospital daily indemnity plans, specified disease only policies, or other limited, supplemental benefit insurance policies.