(a) If the court finds that it is in the best interest of the child to take measures to protect the child from international child abduction under this subchapter, then the court may take any of the following actions:
(1) Appoint a person as the sole managing custodian of the child other than the parent or custodian who presents a risk of international child abduction;
(2) Change the existing order regarding custody or visitation to avoid the risk of international child abduction;
(3) Order supervised visitation to prevent the child from becoming a victim of international child abduction for any of the following who present a risk of international child abduction under this subchapter:
(A) The parent;
(B) The custodian; or
(C) Any other individual who has been granted visitation rights;
(4) Enjoin the parent, custodian, or any person acting on behalf of the parent or custodian who presents a risk of international child abduction from:
(A) Disrupting or removing the child from the school or childcare facility in which the child is enrolled; or
(B) Approaching the child at any location other than a site designated for supervised visitation;
(5) Order passport and travel controls, including controls that prohibit the parent, custodian, or any person acting on the behalf of the parent or custodian who presents a risk of international child abduction:
(A) From removing the child from this state or the United States;
(B) To surrender any passport issued in the child’s name, including any passport issued in the name of both the parent and the child; and
(C) From applying on behalf of the child for a new or replacement passport or international travel visa;
(6) Require the parent or custodian who presents a risk of international child abduction to provide:
(A) To the Office of Children’s Issues within the United States Department of State and the relevant foreign consulate or embassy:
(i) Written notice of the court-ordered passport and travel restrictions for the child; and
(ii) A properly authenticated copy of the court order detailing the restrictions and documentation of the parent’s or custodian’s agreement to the restrictions; and
(B) To the court, proof of receipt of the written notice required by subdivision (a)(6)(A)(i) of this section by the Office of Children’s Issues within the United States Department of State and the relevant foreign consulate or embassy;
(7) Order the parent, custodian, or person acting on behalf of the parent or custodian who presents a risk of international child abduction to execute a bond or deposit security in an amount sufficient to offset the cost of recovering the child if the child is abducted by that person to a foreign country;
(8) Authorize the appropriate law enforcement agencies to take measures to prevent the child from becoming a victim of international child abduction; or
(9) Include in the court’s order provisions that:
(A) Identify the United States as the country of habitual residence of the child;
(B) Define the basis for the court’s exercise of jurisdiction under the Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, § 9-19-101 et seq.;
(C) State the manner in which notice and opportunity to be heard were given to other parties to the matter, including the parent or custodian;
(D) State a thorough description of the following:
(i) Who has custody of the child;
(ii) Who has visitation rights with the child;
(iii) Whose visitation rights must be supervised;
(iv) The specific requirements of any ordered supervised visitation as applied to each person with visitation rights; and
(v) Any other limitations regarding custody or visitation; and
(E) State that a party’s violation of the order may subject the party to a civil penalty, a criminal penalty under § 5-26-501 et seq., or to both civil and criminal penalties.
(1) If a court orders supervised visitation under subdivision (a)(3) of this section, the court shall order the supervised visitation to continue until the court finds that supervised visitation is no longer necessary or until the child reaches eighteen (18) years of age.
(2) If the court orders supervised visitation under subdivision (a)(3) of this section, the court’s order regarding supervised visitation shall require:
(A) That the supervisor be present with the child at all times;
(B) That the supervised visitation takes place at all times at a visitation center or other location that is adequate to prevent the child from becoming a victim of international child abduction; and
(C) The usage of all necessary security professionals, protocols, procedures, or devices that are:
(i) Adequate to prevent the child from becoming a victim of international child abduction;
(ii) Available in the geographic area of the supervised visitation location; and
(iii) Recognized in the security profession as effective in securing a location and the safety of a person.
(c) The court shall consider the requests of the parent or custodian who does not pose a risk of international child abduction when determining the best methods to prevent the international abduction of a child at risk of becoming a victim of international child abduction.