(a) All recipients of medical assistance under the Medicaid program are considered to have authorized all third parties, including, but not limited to, insurance companies and providers of medical care, to release to the Department of Health and Human Resources information needed by the department to secure or enforce its rights as assignee under this chapter.
(b) As a condition of doing business in the state, health insurers, including self-insured plans, group health plans as defined in §6074(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, service benefit plans, third-party administrators, managed care organizations, pharmacy benefit managers or other parties that are by statute, contract or agreement, legally responsible for payment of a claim for a health care item or service are required to comply with the following:
(1) Upon the request of the Bureau for Medical Services, or its contractor, provide information to determine the period that the service recipients, their spouse or dependents may be or may have been covered by the health insurer, including the nature of the coverage that is or was provided by the health insurer, the name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, group number, identifying number of the plan, and effective and termination dates. The information shall be provided in a format suitable for electronic data matches, conducted under the direction of the Department of Health and Human Resources, no less than monthly or as prescribed by the secretary. The health insurer must respond within sixty working days after receipt of a written request for enrollment data from the department or its contractor;