(A) When subsidies are for more than one (1) year, the adoptive parents shall present an annual sworn certification that the adopted child remains under their care and that the condition that caused the child to be certified continues to exist.
(B) An adoptive parent commits the offense of providing a false statement if the adoptive parent certifies that the adopted child remains under the adoptive parent’s care knowing the certification to be false.
(C) Providing a false statement under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
(2) The subsidy agreement may be continued in accordance with the terms by entering into a new agreement each year but only as long as the adopted child is the legal dependent of the adoptive parents and the child’s condition continues, except that, in the absence of other appropriate resources provided by law and in accordance with Arkansas rules, it may not be continued after the adopted child reaches majority.
(b) Termination or modification of the subsidy agreement may be requested by the adoptive parents at any time.