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§ 9009D. Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy.

(a) The Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy is hereby established as a unit of the Department of Human Resources with the purpose of promoting the equality and equity of women in all areas of society. For administrative and budgetary purposes only, the Director of the Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy shall report to the Secretary of Human Resources.

(b) The Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy shall advise the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources, the Governor and the General Assembly and shall:

(1) Foster and facilitate collaborations between the state agencies, the General Assembly, the Judiciary, individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions towards the elimination of gender-based bias and discriminatory policies and practices.

(2) Serve as a clearinghouse for providing information on the status of women to the public, state agencies, the General Assembly, the Judiciary, organizations, businesses, and institutions, and when necessary, to refer complaints and inquiries to the appropriate state departments or agencies or community organizations when necessary.

(3) Study, review and report on the status of women in the State. To accomplish this task, the Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy may conduct research projects and focus groups, and hold public hearings, forums and discussion groups as it deems necessary.

(4) Compile and analyze statistics and information and issue reports on issues affecting women in this State.

(5) Advise executive and legislative bodies on the effect of proposed legislation on women. This includes making recommendations on proposed legislation by providing reports, statistics and testimony.

(6) Provide suggestions and recommendations regarding the implementation of any previously enacted gender-based legislation or policy initiatives.

(7) Make specific legislative proposals relating to the removal of discriminatory laws and practices in the State and the advancement of women in the State; transmit such legislation, with any report or information thereon to the Governor, the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources and the General Assembly; and work toward the passage of such legislation.

(8) Contract for the production, distribution and marketing of educational and informative media materials, consistent with the purpose of the Office, such terms and conditions as deemed appropriate by the Department of Human Resources with all revenues from said contracts being deposited in an appropriate special fund for the purpose of reproducing, marketing and distributing copies of video and printed materials.

(9) Serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups concerned with issues affecting women;

(10) Perform such other functions and duties as imposed upon it by law or as are assigned to it by the Governor, the Secretary of the Department of Human Resources or the General Assembly.

(11) At the beginning of every General Assembly, submit a report to the Governor, Secretary of the Department of Human Resources and the General Assembly of the Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy’s activities and recommendations. Such activities shall include reports of the Commission for Women, Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee and the Delaware Women’s Workforce Council.

(c) The Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy may collaborate with the Division of Diversity and Inclusion or any other state agency for assistance, information or data that may be necessary to fulfill its responsibilities in subsection (b).

(d) The Commission for Women. — (1) The Commission for Women shall advise the Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy on strategic planning, project development and programming.

(2) The Commission for Women shall meet at least quarterly.

(3) The Commission for Women shall consist of 9 members who shall be appointed as follows:

a. Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker.

b. Two members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the President Pro Tempore.

c. Five members appointed by the Governor representing all 3 counties and the City of Wilmington. Of the Governor’s appointees, no more than 3 members shall be members of any 1 political party.

(4) Members of the Commission for Women appointed by the Governor shall serve for a term of 3 years. All members are eligible for reappointment. If any member fails to attend 4 successive meetings of the Commission for Women, that member’s position may be deemed vacant and the appointing authority shall appoint a replacement.

(5) The Chairperson of the Commission for Women shall be appointed by the Governor from among the 9 members, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Commission for Women may elect such officers as it deems necessary.

(6) Members of the Commission for Women shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incident to their duties as members of the Commission for Women in accordance with state law.

(7) The Commission for Women shall adopt such bylaws as it deems necessary.

(8) The Commission for Women has the authority to create subcommittees and councils as it deems necessary.

(9) The Commission for Women shall hold its first meeting within 120 days of the enactment of this legislation.

(e) The Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy shall oversee the Delaware Women’s Workforce Council and the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee.

(f) Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee. — This committee shall be responsible for fostering an understanding of and an appreciation for the many contributions of the women of Delaware to their home, community, State and nation and annually recognize and acknowledge the achievements of remarkable Delaware women through the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame.

(1) The Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee shall be comprised of 7 members who shall be appointed as follows:

a. One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker.

b. One member appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the President Pro Tempore.

c. Five members appointed by the Governor representing all 3 counties and the City of Wilmington. Of the Governor’s appointees, no more than 3 members shall be members of any 1 political party.

(2) The Chairperson of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee shall be appointed by the Governor from among the 7 members, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee may elect such officers as it deems necessary.

(3) Members of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee appointed by the Governor shall serve for a term of 3 years. All members are eligible for reappointment. If any member fails to attend 4 successive meetings of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee, that member’s position may be deemed vacant and the appointing authority shall appoint a replacement.

(4) Members of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incident to their duties as members of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame in accordance with state law.

(5) Members of the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame Committee shall appoint an annual selection committee to select the inductees to the Delaware Women’s Hall of Fame.

(g) Delaware Women’s Workforce Council. — The Delaware Women’s Workforce Council will work to achieve gender equality in every workplace in the First State by eliminating the gender-based wage gap, removing the visible and invisible barriers to women’s advancement, and ensuring that every person, regardless of gender, has an equal opportunity for advancement in the workplace.

(1) The Delaware Women’s Workforce Council (Council) shall be comprised of 11 voting members as follows:

a. Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker.

b. Two members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and shall serve at the pleasure of the President Pro Tempore.

c. Seven members appointed by the Governor representing all 3 counties and the City of Wilmington. Of the Governor’s appointees, no more than 4 members shall be members of any 1 political party.

d. The Secretary of the Department of Human Resources shall appoint 1 member from the Department to serve as an ex-officio nonvoting member for the purpose of collecting and sharing information possessed by the Department of Human Resources and Department of Labor.

(2) The members appointed to the Council shall have diverse backgrounds and experiences directly related to issues women face in the workplace, including those who have owned or operated successful businesses in the private sector, and those serving in the public sector.

(3) The Chairperson of the Council shall be appointed by the Governor from among the 11 members, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Council may elect such officers as it deems necessary.

(4) Members of the Council appointed by the Governor shall serve for a term of 3 years. All members are eligible for reappointment. If any member fails to attend 4 successive meetings of the Council, that member’s position may be deemed vacant and the appointing authority shall appoint a replacement.

(5) Members of the Council shall serve without compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incident to their duties as members of the Council in accordance with state law.

(6) The Council shall conduct a study of gender-based inequities in workplaces in Delaware. The study should identify the root causes that result in gender-based wage disparities as well as the obstacles that working women face that negatively impact on women’s advancement.

a. The Council should first examine these issues as to state employees and may obtain necessary data through the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Human Resources.

b. The Council shall collect data from private sector businesses throughout the State that may be required to complete this study.

(7) The Council shall recommend policies and make recommendations to agencies to remove gender-based inequities in the workplace. To accomplish this task, the Council may conduct research projects and focus groups, and hold public hearings, forums and discussion groups as it deems necessary. Such policies and recommendations should address how gender-based issues intersect with other factors including race, educational achievement, religion, socioeconomic status, caregiver responsibilities, and part-time employment.

(8) The Council shall develop and publish best practices for employers to achieve gender equality.

(9) The Council may request private employers to pledge to work to eliminate gender-based inequities.

(10) The Council may create and implement a memorandum of understanding between the Council and private employers requiring that private employers provide data and information annually to the Council to be kept confidentially. The purpose is to:

a. Assist private employers in understanding a woman’s individual challenges in the workplace;

b. Evaluate the implementation of the Council’s recommendations and best practices to eradicate gender-based inequities in the workplace; and

c. Quantify the success rates on the elimination of gender disparities in the workplace.

d. The Council shall meet by January 16, 2018.

81 Del. Laws, c. 66, § 1;  70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;