(a) When required, terms and conditions.
(1) On or after the effective date of this chapter, any person wishing to perform or undertake any development in the first tier of the coastal zone, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, shall obtain a coastal zone permit in addition to obtaining any other permit required by law from any public agency prior to performing or undertaking any development.
(2) A permit shall be granted for a development if the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner, whichever is applicable, finds that (A) the development is consistent with the basic goals, policies and standards provided in sections 903 and 906 of this chapter; and (B) the development as finally proposed incorporates to the maximum extent feasible mitigation measures to substantially lessen or eliminate any and all adverse environmental impacts of the development; otherwise the permit application shall be denied. The applicant shall have the burden of proof to demonstrate compliance with these requirements; and (C) the applicant has presented certification from the Bureau of Internal Revenue and Department of Finance that the applicant has filed and paid all taxes, penalties and interest and from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor that the applicant has filed its required annual report or has satisfactorily made agreement to pay the taxes or file the required reports.
(3) Any coastal zone permit that is issued shall be subject to terms and conditions imposed by the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner, whichever is applicable, in order to ensure that such development will be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. To this end, any of the development provisions in section 299 of Title 29, chapter 3, of this Code may be made more or less restrictive by the appropriate Committee of the Commission in the case of a major coastal zone permit and more restrictive by the Commissioner in the case of a minor coastal zone permit.
(4) In connection with any land subdivision or major coastal zone permit issued for development adjacent to the shoreline, the appropriate Committee of the Commission may require the dedication of an easement or a fee interest in land for reasonable public access from public highways to the sea in accordance with section 906, subsection (c), paragraph (7) of this chapter.
(b) When not required or may be waived.
(1) Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, no coastal zone permit shall be required pursuant to this chapter for activities related to the repair or maintenance of an object or facility located in the coastal zone, where such activities shall not result in an addition to, or enlargement or expansion of, such object or facility.
(2) Where immediate action by a person or public agency performing a public service is required to protect life and public property from imminent danger, or to restore, repair, or maintain public works, utilities or services destroyed, damaged, or interrupted by natural disaster or serious accident, or in other cases of emergency, the requirement of obtaining a permit under this section may be waived by the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner upon notification to the Commissioner of the type and location of the work, the length of time necessary to complete the work and the name of the person or public agency conducting the work.
(c) Standards for major and minor coastal zone permits. A major coastal zone permit shall be issued by the appropriate Committee of the Commission for all approved applications for development except:
(1) a development which is to be conducted completely or substantially seaward of the line of mean high tide and is designated by the appropriate Committee of the Commission pursuant to subsection (e), paragraph (5) of this section; or
(2) a development which is to be conducted completely landward of the line of mean high tide and satisfies one of the following criteria:
(A) the development consists of a subdivision, or the construction of one or two single-family residences or a duplex on any parcel of record on the effective date of this chapter; or
(B) the development consists entirely of improvements to an existing structure, which improvements cost the developer less than fifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000); or
(C) the development consists of one or more structures valued in their entirety at less than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000); or
(D) the development consists of any other development, except the extraction of minerals, valued at less than sixty-six thousand dollars ($66,000); or
(E) the development consists of the extraction of minerals valued at less than seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000), in which case a minor coastal zone permit shall be issued by the Commissioner; provided, however, that if the Commissioner, upon reviewing any minor permit application submitted pursuant to subsection (d), paragraph (3) of this section, determines that the proposed activity is likely to have significant adverse environmental consequences he shall, upon giving notice to the applicant, forward such application to the appropriate Committee of the Commission for review as a major coastal zone permit.
(d) Coastal zone permit procedures.
(1) Upon submission of any application for a coastal zone permit, which application shall specify the type of permit being sought, the Commissioner shall determine whether such application is complete. If the Commissioner determines that such application is not complete, he shall promptly notify, in no event more than 15 days after receipt thereof, the applicant of the deficiencies in such application.
(2) Upon determination by the Commissioner that an application for a major coastal zone permit is complete, the Commissioner shall promptly transmit a copy thereof to all relevant public agencies for review and comment within thirty days of the receipt thereof, and shall schedule a public hearing to be conducted by the appropriate Committee of the Commission on such application, said hearing to be held within sixty days of the receipt of such completed application.
(3) Upon receipt of an application for a minor coastal zone permit which is deemed complete by the Commissioner, the Commissioner shall promptly give written notice of the filing of such application to any person who requests such notification in writing. In addition, the Commissioner shall give such notice to any person who he determines would be affected by or any person interested in such development. Upon a request from any such person, the Commissioner shall transmit a copy of the application and shall request comments thereon within thirty days thereafter.
(4) The appropriate Committee of the Commission shall act upon a major coastal zone permit application within thirty days after the conclusion of the public hearing required by paragraph (2) of this subsection, and the Commissioner shall act upon a minor coastal zone permit application within sixty days after receipt thereof. Failure of the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner to act within any time limit specified in this paragraph shall constitute an action taken and shall be deemed an approval of any such application. A copy of the decision of the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner, whichever is applicable, on an application for a coastal zone permit shall be transmitted in writing to the applicant and to any person who requests a copy thereof.
(5) Any action by the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner shall become final after the forty-fifth day following a decision, unless an appeal is filed with the Board of Land Use Appeals within such time. If such an appeal is filed, the operation and effect of the Committee’s or the Commissioner’s action shall be stayed pending a decision on appeal.
(6) If an application for a permit is denied by the appropriate Committee of the Commission pursuant to subsection (a), paragraph (2) of this section, or by the Board of Land Use Appeals pursuant to section 914 of this chapter, the applicant may submit another application for a coastal zone permit no sooner than one hundred-twenty days after the date of such denial
(7) Any development approved pursuant to this chapter, including any action by the Board of Land Use Appeals, shall be commenced, performed and completed in compliance with the provisions of the permits for such development granted or issued by the appropriate Committee of the Commission, the Commissioner, the Board of Land Use Appeals or any other public agency. Any development or construction approved by a coastal zone permit shall be commenced within twelve months from the date such permit is issued. Failure to commence development or construction within such period shall cause the permit to lapse and render it null and void unless an extension is granted by the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner.
(e) Regulations. The Commission shall, in the manner required by law and after public hearings, adopt such supplementary regulations pertaining to the issuance of coastal zone permits as it deems necessary. The Commission may thereafter, in the manner required by law, and from time to time, after public hearings, modify or adopt additional regulations or guidelines as deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter; provided, any such rules, regulations, or guidelines issued by the Commission pursuant to this chapter may be modified, amended or revised by the Legislature in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b), section 913 of Title 3 of this Code. Such regulations shall include but are not limited to the following:
(1) procedures for the submission, review and denial or approval of coastal zone permit applications, and the form of application for coastal zone permits. The Commissioner shall devise a temporary application form which shall be used upon enactment of this chapter until such time as rules and regulations are adopted;
(2) information to be required in the application, including without limitation, proof or legal interest in the property, authority to sign the application, drawings, maps, data and charts concerning land and water uses and areas in the vicinity of the proposed development and, for major coastal permits, a completed environmental assessment report as defined in section 902, subsection (o) of this chapter and appropriate supplementary data reasonably required to describe and evaluate the proposed development and to determine whether the proposed development complies with statutory criteria under which it might be approved;
(3) any person who must alter trust lands or submerged or filled lands in order to compile the data required by this section must obtain prior written authorization from the appropriate Committee of the Commission for such alteration;
(4) the payment of a reasonable filing fee for the processing by the appropriate Committee of the Commission or the Commissioner of any application for a coastal zone permit. The funds received under this paragraph shall be placed in the Natural Resources Reclamation Fund as described and provided for in section 911, subsection (f), paragraph [(4)] of this chapter;
(5) designation of the types of development to be conducted completely or substantially seaward of the line of mean high tide requiring a minor coastal zone permit, including but not limited to swimming or navigation buoys, moorings for vessels, small intake and outfall pipes, small private pipes, small boat ramps or slips, and underwater transmission lines or cables;
(6) standards in addition to those set out in subsection (c) of this section for determining whether a development requires a minor coastal zone permit or a major coastal zone permit;
(7) requirements for the conduct and continuance of public hearings and the methods of providing public notice on major coastal zone permits. A public notice shall at a minimum state the nature and location of the proposed development, and the time and place of the public hearing, and shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, and in addition be given to the applicant, any person who requests such notification in writing, any person who the Commissioner determines would be affected by or interested in such development, and the owner(s) of any/all lot(s) within or adjacent to the site of the proposed development. Joint public hearings may be held in conjunction with any such hearing required by any federal agency;
(8) contents of coastal zone permits;
(9) notifications of denial of applications;
(10) notices of completion and certificates of acknowledgment of compliance;
(11) amendment, modification and revocation of coastal zone permits;
(12) transfer or assignment of coastal zone permits.
(f) The Commissioner as Zoning Administrator. The Commissioner, pursuant to the provisions of Title 29, section 235, subsection (a), unnumbered paragraph 2 of this Code, as amended, shall perform the duties of the Zoning Administrator with respect to the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Law within the first tier of the coastal zone. However, the Commissioner, when performing the duties of the Zoning Administrator under this subsection, must comply with all of the requirements of Title 29 of this Code.
(g) Coordination with other permit requirements. Where the development or occupancy of trust lands or other submerged or filled lands, or other development in the coastal zone, requires separate and distinct approval from the United States Government or any agency, department, commission or bureau thereof, the coastal zone permit shall be contingent upon receipt of all other such permits and approvals, and no such development or occupancy shall commence prior to receipt of all of such permits and approvals.