- In order to promote the general welfare and to preserve and protect the places and areas of historic interest, exterior architectural features and examples of the type of architecture used in St. Croix in its initial years, the Commissioner of Public Works, before issuing any permit for the construction, alteration, reconstruction, or razing of any building within the district described in section 91 of this title shall refer the plans to the Virgin Islands Historic Preservation Commission, for a report as to the exterior architectural features, height and appearance of exterior construction which is subject to public view from a public highway. The Commission shall report promptly to the Commissioner of Public Works, its recommendations, including such changes, if any, as in the judgment of the Commission are necessary and desirable to preserve the historic value of the district. The Commissioner of Public Works shall take such action as in his judgment is right and proper in the circumstances.
- If the Commission fails to submit a report on such plans within forty-five days, its approval thereof shall be assumed and a permit may be issued.