(a) The offices of each board of elections shall be open for the examination and registration of electors every day from 8:00 o’clock a.m. to 5:00 o’clock p.m., except Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays and except during the period of 30 days immediately preceding and five days immediately following each election. An employee of the election system of the Virgin Islands who has been appointed by the Supervisor of Elections to be a registrar pursuant to subsection (b) of this section or any board member shall examine and register applicants who present themselves at the offices of the board for registration pursuant to this subsection.
(b) The Supervisor of Elections may appoint any full-time employee of the election system of the Virgin Islands to act as a registrar. A registrar shall be empowered to register electors pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section. A registrar shall be a qualified elector of the district in which he is appointed, and shall take an oath of office prescribed by the Supervisor of Elections. Registrars may be removed by the Supervisor for cause. Employees of the election system who are appointed registrars shall receive no additional compensation for serving as registrars.
(c) The Board of Elections of each district, or a part thereof of not less than two members, shall sit for the purpose of examining and registering qualified electors on such days and at such times and places in addition to those provided in subsection (a) of this section as it may deem necessary or advisable for the accommodation of electors, except that no electors shall be registered during the period of 30 days immediately preceding and five days immediately following each election. The Supervisor shall insure that there be at least one full-time registrar who is fluent in both Spanish and English present at the offices of each board of elections every day in each week in which the offices are open for the examination and registration of electors.