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§ 9703. Sussex County constables.

The fees of Sussex County constables, for the services specified, in cases before a justice of the peace shall be as follows:

For serving and returning a summons, or scire facias on one ormore defendants, including all services in a cause beforejudgment $ 1.00
For serving and returning a subpoena $1.00 for the first 2 personsand 50¢ for each additional person.
Mileage in serving and returning a summons subpoena or scirefacias at the rate of 10 cents for each mile necessarily traveledto be counted as if all persons summoned were summoned atthe same time.
If no service is made, there shall be no fee except in case of a scirefacias when judgment shall be rendered thereon, but mileageshall be allowed.
Giving notice of an application for or time of a new trial 1.00
For summoning referees (only 1 fee to be allowed unless there isa new trial and then only 2) 1.50
Mileage in summoning referees’ notice of new trial the same as inthe case of witness.
For summoning witness .50
And 10 cents for each mile necessarily traveled, to be counted asif all witnesses summoned were summoned at the same time.
For summoning garnishees on execution, or other attachment, foreach garnishee (and mileage as in the case of witnesses) 1.00
For posting advertisements of attachment (all) with mileage atthe rate of 10 cents per mile, going to and returning from thecourthouse, where one of the advertisements must by law beposted 1.00
For taking goods on attachment (other than execution attach-ment), returning inventory and appraisement if the goods donot exceed $100 in value 2.50
If they exceed that sum 3.50
And mileage as in the case of witnesses.
But if the goods be sold on execution, no fee shall be charged fortaking on that execution.


For taking goods in execution $ 1.50
Making inventory, appraisement and return 1.00
Advertising, selling goods 2.00
Together with 5 percent of all the moneys collected.
Collecting on execution, without sale 2.00
Notice to plaintiff in each case .50
For a return of “no goods” .75


For taking goods under writ $ 2.50
Mileage on execution, the same as in case of summoning wit-nesses.
For conveying a person to jail 2.00
Mileage the same as in case of summoning witnesses.
For serving a warrant in a criminal case, or for a parentageproceeding 2.00
In cases of a search warrant, upon which a search is made of thepremises, the above fee to be allowed.
Mileage in all cases the same as in service of summons.
Conveying defendant from 1 county to another (5 cents per milegoing and returning) 2.00
Summoning witnesses and conveying a person to jail and forlevying execution in a parentage proceeding, the same fees asfor like services on civil process.
Serving attachment to bring body (and mileage at 5 cents permile) 2.00
Attendance at Magistrate’s Court during hearing 1.00
In case of Constable being deputized to assist another regularcounty Constable the deputized officer shall be entitled tomileage at 5 cents per mile.
The above fees, mileage, etc., shall apply not only to the regularConstables authorized by law for Sussex County, but to allspecial Constables of said County appointed therein, and allspecial Constables of said County are hereby vested with thesame powers and duties as heretofore have been vested inregular Constables.
For other services not enumerated in this subtitle, Constables ofSussex County shall be allowed fees and mileage allowed toConstables under the provisions of this chapter.


For attaching goods and making inventory and returning thesame, $1.00, when the demand for rent shall not exceed $200,and $2.00 when the demand shall exceed that sum, and mileage as in case of summoning witnesses.
For advertising goods on order of a justice $ .50
For selling goods, 2 percent on the amount of sales applied to rent.
For summoning garnishees, referees, and witnesses, the samefees as are allowed in other civil cases.

24 Del. Laws, c. 248;  Code 1915, § 4059;  38 Del. Laws, c. 80;  Code 1935, § 4540;  47 Del. Laws, c. 272, § 2;  10 Del. C. 1953, § 9706;  73 Del. Laws, c. 50, §§ 2, 3;