“The State of Mississippi v. Charged with murder. John Jones. “The said accused having been brought before the undersigned, a justice of the peace of County, for examination of said charge, and I, the undersigned justice of the peace, having heard the testimony of the following witnesses touching said charge, viz.: found the said accused should be held to await the action of the grand jury. “And said John Jones was committed to jail without bail (or was required to give bail, with sureties, in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars for his appearance before the circuit court of said county to answer the charge of manslaughter, and, having given bail as required, was discharged accordingly). “State of Mississippi, County. “I, Andrew Sims, a justice of the peace of said county, certify that the foregoing pages correctly represent the proceedings had and taken before me, on the day of July, 1906, in the matter therein stated. “Andrew Sims, J.P.”
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