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Home » US Law » 2022 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes » Pennsylvania Unconsolidated Statutes » Act 100 – PROJECT 70 LANDS – RELEASE OF RESTRICTIONS IN MULTIPLE COUNTIES AND RELATED REPEAL

An Act


Authorizing the transfer of Project 70 restrictions from 0.043 acres of State Game Land 249 that will be purchased by the Department of Transportation for highway right-of-way to 0.043 acres of replacement game land that will be deeded over to the Pennsylvania Game Commission by the Department of Transportation; authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Pennhurst Holdings DE, LLC, certain lands and improvements situate in East Vincent Township, Chester County; authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to the Bear Creek Township Volunteer Hose Company certain lands, buildings and improvements situate in Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County; authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to City Center Investment Corp., certain lands situate in the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County; authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to the Centre County Industrial Development Corporation certain lands and improvements situate in Benner Township, Centre County; authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Berks County Intermediate Unit certain lands and improvements situate in Windsor Township, Berks County, being a portion of the former Hamburg Center; and making a related repeal.


The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows:


Section 1.  Restrictions on property owned by the Commonwealth, acting by and through the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

(a)  Authorization.–Pursuant to the requirements of section 20(b) of the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess. 1, P.L.131, No.8), known as the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the General Assembly hereby authorizes the transfer of Project 70 restrictions for a portion of the Project 70 lands owned by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, known as State Game Land 249, which are more particularly described under subsection (c), to replacement game land also described under subsection (c).

(b)  Project 70 restrictions.–The lands described under subsection (c) shall be exchanged with all existing restrictions currently imposed by the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act upon conveyance of the lands.

(c)  Property description.–The parcels of land to be exchanged are located in Huntington Township, Adams County, and more particularly bounded and described as follows:

All that certain parcel of ground, lying and being situate in Huntington Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

(1)  Area from State Game Land 249 to be acquired by Department of Transportation.

Beginning at a point at the bend in the right-of-way line of State Route 1009 (Wiermans Mill Road) at the northeast corner of the intersection of State Route 1009 and Township Road 568 (White Church Road); thence along the northeast legal right-of-way line of State Route 1009 NORTH 20 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 05 SECONDS EAST a distance of 16.85 FEET to a point; thence leaving the legal right-of-way line and through lands of which this is a part SOUTH 38 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST a distance of 48.20 FEET to a point; thence through the same SOUTH 49 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST a distance of 5.00 FEET to a point; thence through the same SOUTH 40 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST a distance of 150.00 FEET to a point; thence through the same SOUTH 49 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST a distance of 8.50 FEET to a point on the northeasterly legal right-of-way line of State Route 1009; thence along the legal right-of-way line NORTH 40 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST a distance of 189.87 FEET to the point and place of beginning and having an area of 0.043 Acres.

Being a portion of the tract of land title to which became vested in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by deed as recorded in Adams County Deed Book Volume 259 at Page 187.

(2)  Replacement game land

Beginning at a point at the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Township Road 568 (White Church Road) and the southerly required right-of-way line of State Route 1009 (Wiermans Mill Road); thence through lands now or formerly of Timothy Alan Anderson and along the southerly required right-of-way line of State Route 1009 SOUTH 40 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST a distance of 41.94 FEET to a point; thence through and along the same NORTH 49 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST a distance of 3.00 FEET to a point; thence through and along the same SOUTH 40 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAST a distance of 25.00 FEET to a point; thence leaving the required right-of-way line and continuing through lands of Anderson SOUTH 49 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST a distance of 32.00 FEET to a point; thence through the same NORTH 44 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST a distance of 50.14 FEET to a point on the said easterly right-of-way line of Township Road 568; thence along the easterly right-of-way line NORTH 22 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST a distance of 36.87 FEET to the point and place of beginning and having an area of 0.043 Acres.

Being a portion of the tract of land title to which became vested in Timothy Alan Anderson by deed as recorded in Adams County Deed Book Volume 3002 at Page 186.

Section 2.  Conveyance in East Vincent Township, Chester County.

(a)  Authorization.–The Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey certain tracts of land together with any improvements thereon, being portions of the lands of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Center, situate in East Vincent Township, Chester County, to Pennhurst Holdings DE, LLC, for $220,000, under terms and conditions to be established in an agreement of sale.

(b)  Property description.–The property to be conveyed under this section consists of the following:

ALL those certain parts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Vincent, County of Chester, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Premises A, Area 1

This parcel is preliminarily described as follows, pursuant to a proposed subdivision plan entitled, “Over-All Subdivision Plan,” prepared by Pennoni Associates, Inc., and dated August 23, 2022, which description is subject to change as necessary to conform with a final subdivision plan approved by the Township of East Vincent:

BEGINNING at Northeast comer Right-of-way of Brown Drive and Commonwealth Drive. Thence, along Brown Drive Right-of-way North 89 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds West, distance of 64.69′ to a point. Thence, leaving Brown Drive Right-of-way North 03 degrees 13 minutes 01 seconds West, distance of 435.98 feet to point. Thence, South 71 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West, distance of 153.89 feet to a point. Thence, North 03 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East, distance of 89.31 feet to comer of now or late Philadelphia Electric Company.

Thence, along the same, following the southern edge of the abandoned railroad the following three course and distances: (1) in a northeasterly direction by a line curving to the left having a radius 1960.00 feet, length 149.70 feet, chord bearing North 86 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds East with chord distance of 149.66 feet to a point. (2) South 5 degrees 10 minutes 7 seconds East, 10.17 feet. (3) in a northeasterly direction by a line curving to the left having a radius of feet, length 458.27 feet, chord bearing North 78 degrees 10 minutes 2 seconds East with a chord distance of 457.24 feet to point at the coming of now or late Pennhurst Holdings DE LLC premises A. Thence, along the same, following four course and distances: (1) S 9 degrees 15 minutes 43 seconds East, 221.19 feet to a point in the bed of 50 feet right-of-way of Commonwealth Drive. (2) South 60 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds East, 366.07 feet. (3) South 77 degrees 51 minutes 5 seconds East, 275.97 feet. (4) South 3 degrees 1 minute 41 seconds  East, 85.31 feet. Thence, N 86 degrees 14 minutes 3 seconds West, 986.22 feet to a point at the easterly edge of 50 feet Right-of-way of Commonwealth Drive. Thence, along the same in a southwesterly direction by a line curving to the left having a radius 496.54 feet, length 45.82  feet, chord bearing South 40 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West with chord distance of 45.80 feet to a point. Thence, in a southeasterly direction by a line curving to the left having a radius of 20 feet, length of 44.38 feet, chord bearing South 25 degrees 38 minutes 36 seconds East with a chord length of 35.82 feet to the first mentioned point of BEGINNING.

CONTAINING 7.20-acres.

Premises A, Area 2

This parcel is preliminarily described as follows, pursuant to a proposed subdivision plan entitled, “Over-All Subdivision Plan,” prepared by Pennoni Associates, Inc., and dated August 23, 2022, which description is subject to change as necessary to conform with a final subdivision plan approved by the Township of East Vincent:

BEGINNING at the centerline of Brown Drive, comer of now or late Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, thence South 14 degrees 37 minutes 23 seconds West, distance of 23.14 feet to southern side of Brown Drive Right-of-way (50 feet). Thence, along the same following the southern edge of the Right-of-way 7 course and distances: (1) North 89 degrees 1 minute 46 seconds West, distance of 207.72 feet. (2) line curving to the right having a radius 533.57 feet, length 104.58 feet, chord bearing North 83 degrees 24 minutes 52 seconds West with chord distance of 104.41 feet. (3) North 77 degrees 47 minutes 58 seconds West, distance of 336.96 feet. (4) North 78 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West, distance 246.15 feet. (5) line curving to the right having a radius 402.55 feet, length 53.23 feet, chord bearing North 74 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West with chord distance of 53.19 feet. (6) North 70 degrees 38 minutes 14 seconds West, distance of 159.52 feet. (7) line curving to the left having a radius 580.33 feet, length 130.60 feet, chord bearing North 77 degrees 05 minutes 3 seconds West with chord distance of 130.32 feet to a point on the southern side of Brown Drive. Thence, leaving the southern side of Brown drive North 3 degrees 01 minutes 41 seconds West, distance of 27.19 feet to a point in bed of Brown Drive. Thence, along the same following Brown Drive the following five course and distances. (1) South 79 degrees 37 minutes 12 seconds East, distance of 105.61 feet. (2) South 69 degrees 35 minutes 14 seconds East, distance of 196.25 feet. (3) South 75 degrees 05 minutes 2 seconds East, distance of 89.57 feet. (4) South 78 degrees 13 minutes 9 seconds East, distance of 575.47 feet. (5) South 87 degrees 57 minutes 2 seconds East, distance of 280.23 feet to mentioned point of BEGINNING.

CONTAINING  29,596.00 square feet of land, more or less.

Premises B

BEGINNING at a Mag Nail found at a point of intersection of the center title line of Brown Drive (50′ wide private right-of-way) and the eastern property line of lands N/F Owen J. Roberts School District said mag nail being located South 76°53’44” West a distance of 244.25 feet from the intersection of center title line of Brown Drive (50′ wide private right-of-way) and center title line of Pennhurst Drive (50′ wide private right-of-way);

1.  Thence along said lands N/F Owen J. Roberts School District, passing over a broken concrete monument found 25.00 feet from beginning of this course, South 12°45’04” East for a distance of 225.00 feet to a found capped rebar;

2.  Thence along said lands, South 77°14’56” West, for a distance of 326.70 feet to a found capped rebar;

3.  Thence along said lands, passing over a concrete monument found 25.00 feet from the terminus of this course, North 12°45’27” West, for a distance of 230.60 feet to a found Mag Nail at the center title line of Brown Drive (50′ wide private right-of-way);

4.  Thence along said title line, North 78°13’50” East, 326.77 feet to a found Mag Nail , and the point of beginning.

CONTAINING 74,424.4 square feet (l.708 Acres) of land, more or less, as shown as a Tract #2 on a map entitled “Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Center Boundary Retracement Survey Plan” as prepared by Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc., dated April 09, 2020 to be attached hereto and made a part hereof.

(c)  Existing encumbrances.–The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.

(d)  Gaming restriction.–Any conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

(e)  Easements.–The Department of General Services may reserve any easements in, over and across the lands to be conveyed as it deems necessary, convenient or appropriate for the continued operation of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Center or the Spring City Readiness Center. The Department of General Services may also grant or assign such easements to Pennhurst Holdings DE, LLC, as the Department of General Services deems necessary, convenient or appropriate to provide access to the lands of Pennhurst Holdings DE, LLC.

(f)  Release of condition and termination of perpetual license.–The Department of General Services is authorized to take such action as is necessary to release the interest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in that certain condition, and to terminate a related perpetual license, concerning a garage as provided in the deed from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Pennhurst Acquisition, L.P., dated February 14, 2008, and recorded at the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Montgomery County at Book 7373 Page 1647.

(g)  Deed.–The conveyance shall be made by special warranty deed to be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(h)  Sunset.–In the event that the conveyance authorized under this section is not completed within two years after the effective date of this section, the authority to convey the property under subsection (a) shall expire.

(i)  Proceeds.–The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the General Fund.

Section 3.  Conveyance in Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County.

(a)  Authorization.–The Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the Bear Creek Township Volunteer Hose Company the following tract of land together with any buildings, structures or improvements thereon, situate in Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County, for $61,000, under terms and conditions to be established in an agreement of sale.

(b)  Property description.–The property to be conveyed under subsection (a) consists of a tract of land totaling approximately 5.592 acres, including all buildings, structures and improvements located thereon, more particularly described as follows:

ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND, situate in the Bear Creek Township, County of Luzerne and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of a 100′ right of way of Bear Creek Boulevard, S.R. 0115, said point also marking a common corner of the lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the northern corner of the lands N/F of the Bear Creek Township Volunteer Hose Company; thence South 36° 11′ 17″ West, four hundred five and thirty-two hundredths (405.32) feet to a point; thence continuing along the lands of the Bear Creek Township Volunteer Hose Company, the Lands of Michael and Charlotte Lyons, and partially along the lands of Lori Petlock, South 89° 53′ 25″ West, one hundred ninety two and sixty nine hundredth (192.69) feet to a point, marking the dividing line between lot 1 and lot 2 the following (10) courses and distance; (1) North 24° 06′ 35″ West, one hundred twelve and zero hundredths (112.00) feet to a point; (2) North 50° 53′ 25″ East, forty one and fifty hundredths (41.50) feet to a point; (3) North 39° 06′ 35″ West, seventy four and zero hundredths (74.00) feet to a point; (4) North 61° 06′ 35″ West, ninety two and zero hundredths (92.00) feet to a point; (5) North 29° 06′ 35″ West, fifty five and zero hundredths (55.00) feet to a point; (6) North 12° 51′ 20″ East, seventy seven and zero hundredths (77.00) feet to a point; (7) North 26° 57’29” East, one hundred eighteen and zero hundredths (118.00) feet to a point; (8) North 51° 35′ 49″ East, one hundred sixty six and zero hundredths (166.00) feet to a point; (9) South 89° 06′ 34″ East, sixty and zero hundredths (60.00) feet to a point; (10) North 51° 35′ 49″ East, one hundred fifty and zero hundredths (150.00) feet to a point on the southwesterly side on Bear Creek Boulevard; thence along the southerly right of way on a curve to the right, having a radius of nine hundred ninety one and seventy four hundredths (991.74) feet, and an arc length of three hundred ninety seven and zero two hundredths (397.02) feet, and a long cord of South 34° 07′ 51″ East, three hundred ninety four and thirty seven hundredths (394.37) feet to the place of beginning.

Containing 5.592 acres of land and being all of Lot #1 as shown on drawing entitled “Final Minor Subdivision Plan, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bear Creek Highway Maintenance Facility, Bear Creek Boulevard, (S.R. 0115) Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania” By Labella Associates; recorded in Luzerne County Recorder of Deeds, Instrument No. 202218825.

BEING P/O PIN 04J11 00A036000.

BEING a portion of the same parcel of land conveyed by Henry A. Behrens and Margaret E. Behrens, his wife, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by deed dated February 9, 1939, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Volume 781, Page 421; and also being a portion of the same parcel of land conveyed by Margaret E. Behrens, widow, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by deed dated October 11, 1960 and recorded at the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Volume 1465, Page 228.

(c)  Existing encumbrances.–The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.

(d)  Condition.–Any conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

(e)  Easements.–The Department of General Services may reserve any easements in, over and across the lands to be conveyed as it deems necessary, convenient or appropriate.

(f)  Deed of conveyance.–The conveyance shall be by special warranty deed to be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(g)  Costs and fees.–Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

(h)  Alternate disposition.–If the conveyance is not effectuated within two years after the effective date of this subsection, the property may be disposed of in accordance with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.

(i)  Proceeds.–The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the General Fund.

Section 4.  Conveyance in the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County.

(a)  Authorization.–The Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey, for $5,500,000, the following tracts of land together with any buildings, structures or improvements thereon, situate in the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County, to City Center Investment Corp.

(b)  Property description.–The property to be conveyed pursuant to subsection (a) consists of approximately 195.167 acres of land and improvements located thereon, bounded and more particularly described as follows:

LOT #1

ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND situate in the City of Allentown and City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

BEGINNING at a concrete monument found on the South side of Hanover Avenue said point being at the Northeast Corner of the lands of N/F 1514 Inc., thence FROM THE PLACE OF BEGINNING along the South line of Hanover Avenue the following courses and distances:

(1)  S 55°31’17” E for a distance of 511.16′ to a point, thence

(2)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 5°45’00”, a radius of 957.11′ for an arc length of 96.05′ to a point, thence

(3)  N 61°16’18” E for a distance of 5.96′ to a point, thence

(4)  Along a curve to the Left having a Delta Angle of 5°47’00”, a radius of 1034.11′ for an arc length of 104.38′ to a point, thence

(5)  N 55°29’17” E for a distance of 45.13′ to the Northwest corner of Hanover Avenue and North Quebec Street; thence along the West line North Quebec Street S 7°57’43” E for a distance of 553.45′ to a point at the Southwest corner of North Quebec Street and East Allen Street; thence along the South line of East Allen Street N 81°23’17” E for a distance of 678.83′ to an iron pin set at the Northwest corner of Lot #2;

Thence along Lot #2 the following course and distances:

(1)  S 27°11’30” E for a distance of 1032.47′ to an iron pin set; thence

(2)  S 55°10’20” W for a distance of 243.03′ to an iron pin set; thence

(3)  S 34°49’40” E for a distance of 160.00′ to an iron pin set; thence

(4)  N 54°56’04” E for a distance of 603.06′ to an iron pin set; thence

(5)  N 43°48’06” E for a distance of 727.05′ to an iron pin set; thence

(6)  N 72°56’55” E for a distance of 285.07′ to an iron pin set; thence

(7)  N 76°19’04” E for a distance of 378.08′ to an iron pin set on the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem line; thence

(8)  Along the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem line N 6°55’39” W for a distance of 413.29′ to an iron pin set; thence along the lands of N/F Bruce Loch and James Burkos, N/F A-town Development Company, and N/F Raymond Perez, N 82°59’59” E for a distance of 396.87′ to a point; thence along the lands of N/F Raymond Perez, the South line of Grandview Boulevard, and N/F Geraldine P. Holzinger N 81°45’17” E for a distance of 396.71′ to a concrete monument found; thence along the lands of PA Lines LCC S 8°31’43” E for a distance of 469.16′ to a point on the North line of Central Boulevard;

Thence along the North line of Central Boulevard the following courses and distances:

(1)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 30°53’14”, a radius of 798.97′ for an arc length of 430.71′ to a point, thence

(2)  S 75°44’07” W for a distance of 205.24′ to a point, thence

(3)  S 66°28’27” W for a distance of 232.14′ to a point,

Thence along the North line of River Drive the following courses and distances:

(1)  S 69°08’28” W for a distance of 282.83′ to a point; thence

(2)  S 54°30’17” W for a distance of 507.39′ to a point; thence

(3)  S 50°28’17” W for a distance of 411.58′ to a point; thence

(4)  S 56°43’17” W for a distance of 384.03′ to a point; thence

(5)  Along a curve to the Left having a Delta Angle of 39°02’00”, a radius of 256.69′ for an arc length of 174.87′ to a point, thence

(6)  S 17°41’17” W for a distance of 83.85′ to a point; thence

(7)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 8°00’03”, a radius of 346.78′ for an arc length of 48.47′ to a point,

Thence along the lands of N/F Norfolk Southern the following courses and distances:

(1)  S 39°24’36” W for a distance of 139.28′ to a concrete monument found; thence

(2)  S 49°14’43” E for a distance of 6.14′ to a point on the North line of River Drive;

Thence along the North line of River Drive the following courses and distances:

(1)  S 44°33’17” W for a distance of 159.40′ to a point; thence

(2)  Along a curve to the Left having a Delta Angle of 14°07’00”, a radius of 541.84′ for an arc length of 133.50′ to a point, thence

(3)  S 30°26’17” W for a distance of 799.21′ to a point; thence

(4)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 18°38’50”, a radius of 891.50′ for an arc length of 290.14′ to a point, thence

(5)  S 49°05’07” W for a distance of 392.66′ to a point; thence

(6)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 8°09’10”, a radius of 536.50′ for an arc length of 76.34′ to a point, thence

(7)  S 57°14’17” W for a distance of 332.83′ to a point; thence

(8)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 10°36’40”, a radius of 663.50′ for an arc length of 122.88′ to a point, thence

(9)  S 46°37’37” W for a distance of 729.66′ to a point; thence

(10)  Along a curve to the Right having a Delta Angle of 8°41’30”, a radius of 536.50′ for an arc length of 81.39′ to a point, thence

(11)  S 55°19’07” W for a distance of 126.31′ to a point at the Southeast limit of unopened South Maxwell Street; thence along East line of unopened South Maxwell Street N 7°40’54” W for a distance of 1981.82′ to a concrete monument found;

Thence along the lands of N/F the Community Services for Children the following courses and distances:

(1)  N 77°27’55” E for a distance of 343.59′ to a point; thence

(2)  N 82°36’13” E for a distance of 264.92′ to a point; thence

(3)  N 7°34’12” W for a distance of 48.78′ to a point; thence

(4)  N 10°07’23” E for a distance of 18.41′ to a point; thence

(5)  N 33°51’14” E for a distance of 77.17′ to a point; thence

(6)  N 6°18’35” W for a distance of 41.34′ to a point; thence

(7)  S 83°24’45” W for a distance of 56.39′ to a point; thence

(8)  N 6°18’23” W for a distance of 35.42′ to a point; thence

(9)  N 83°44’46” E for a distance of 56.41′ to an iron pipe found; thence

(10)  N 6°16’03” W for a distance of 223.32′ to a point; thence

(11)  S 83°06’05” W for a distance of 6.70′ to a point; thence

(12)  N 7°22’55” W for a distance of 78.48′ to an iron pipe found; thence

(13)  S 76°24’27” W for a distance of 46.07′ to a point; thence

(14)  N 13°36’19” W for a distance of 35.10′ to an iron pipe found; thence

(15)  N 76°12’08” E for a distance of 49.86′ to an iron pipe found; thence

(16)  N 7°25’05” W for a distance of 258.86′ to an iron pipe found; thence

(17)  S 83°23’26” W for a distance of 257.59′ to a point;

Thence along the lands of N/F Baldeu Raj SharmaTrust, the East limit of East Pine Street and N/F Richard C. Birch Sr. N 1°54’54” W for a distance of 250.32′ to a concrete monument found on the South line of East Gordon Street; thence along the South line of East Gordon street N 82°02’47” E for a distance of 319.05′ to an iron pipe found at the Southeast corner of East Gordon North Oswego Streets; thence along the East line of North Oswego Street N 6°39’00” W for a distance of 8.01′ to a point; thence along the lands of Kelly Brookhart and Mark MacNemara N 81°51’17” E for a distance of 229.30′ to a concrete monument found; thence along the lands of N/F Tina Rivera, N/F Karl & Ruth Schuster, N/F Dee Ann Diaz, N/F Timothy Koppenhaver, N/F David & Ruth Koppenhaver, N/F Eugene & Constance Fritz, N/F Miriam Estrella, N/F David & Helen Galbraith, N/F Gary & Kay Matsco, N/F Charles & Jacqueline Scherer, N/F Sharon Peters, N/F Jeremy Ingle, and the East Limit of East Clair Street N 8°17’43” W for a distance of 733.25′ to a point, thence along the East line of 1514 Inc. N 34°22’50” W for a distance of 152.66′ to the place of BEGINNING.

CONTAINING 165.846-Acres.

BEING shown as Lot #1 on the Final Minor Subdivision Plan of the Allentown State Hospital prepared by the City of Allentown Department of Public Works, Drawing #06-005, dated July 20, 2007, last revised March 25, 2009.

LOT #2

ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND situate in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County, bounded and described as follows, to wit:

BEGINNING at an iron pin set on the south line of East Allen Street, said point being located North 81° 23′ 17″ East for a distance of 678.83 feet from the Southwest corner of North Quebec Street and the said point of BEGINNING being the Northwest corner of this described parcel; thence from the place of BEGINNING along the South line of East Allen Street and the South Line of Oil Process Systems North 81° 23′ 17″ East for a distance of 531.03 feet to a concrete monument found; thence along the lands of Bruce Loch and James Burkos the following nine (9) courses and distances;

(1)  South 43° 13′ 28″ East – 11.42 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(2)  South 80° 16′ 15″ West – 54.97 feet to an iron pin found; thence

(3)  South 7° 57′ 07″ West – 61.34 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(4)  South 61° 19′ 56″ East – 163.09 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(5)  North 68° 57′ 39″ East – 177.92 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(6)  North 58° 25′ 17″ East – 238.88 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(7)  North 23° 18′ 43″ West – 36.00 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(8)  North 82° 58′ 20″ East – 987.96 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

(9)  North 82° 59′ 59″ East – 1.43 feet to a point; thence along Lot #1, the residue lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the following eight (8) courses and distances;

(1)  South 6° 55′ 39″ East – 413.29 feet to a iron pin set; thence

(2)  South 76° 19′ 04″ West – 378.08 feet to a iron pin set; thence

(3)  South 72° 56′ 55″ West – 285.07 feet to a iron pin set; thence

(4)  South 43° 48′ 06″ West – 727.05 feet to a iron pin; thence

(5)  South 54° 56′ 04″ West – 603.06 feet to a iron pin; thence

(6)  North 34° 49′ 40″ West – 160.00 feet to a iron pin set; thence

(7)  North 55° 10′ 20″ East – 243.03 feet to a iron pin set; thence

(8)  North 27° 11′ 30″ West – 1032.47 feet to the place of BEGINNING.

CONTAINING  29.321-Acres.

BEING shown as Lot #2 on the Final Minor Subdivision Plan of the Allentown State Hospital prepared by the City of Allentown Department of Public Works, Drawing #06-005, dated July 20, 2007, last revised March 25, 2009.

(c)  Requirement for conveyance.–The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.

(d)  Gaming restriction.–Any conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

(e)  Covenants, conditions and restrictions.–The Secretary of General Services may impose any covenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations on the sale of the property as is deemed in the best interests of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(f)  Easements.–The Secretary of General Services may grant or retain any easements necessary to effectuate this section.

(g)  Deed of conveyance.–The deed of conveyance shall be by special warranty deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(h)  Costs and fees.–All costs and fees incurred by the Department of General Services shall be borne by the grantee.

(i)  Alternate disposition.–In the event that the conveyance authorized under subsection (a) is not completed within two years of the effective date of this subsection, the authority to convey the property under this section shall expire and the property may be disposed of in accordance with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.

(j)  Proceeds.–The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the General Fund.

Section 5.  Conveyance in Benner Township, Centre County.

(a)  Authorization.–The Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey the following tract of land together with any improvements thereon, being a portion of the lands of SCI-Rockview, situate in Benner Township, Centre County, to the Centre County Industrial Development Corporation for $1,560,000, under terms and conditions to be established in an agreement of sale.

(b)  Property description.–The property to be conveyed under subsection (a) consists of the following:

ALL that certain part or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Benner, County of Centre, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as more fully provided and shown on that certain plan entitled, “Four lot subdivision of lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Centre County Correctional Facility,” prepared by Sweetland Engineering & Associates, Inc., and dated February 8, 2003, to wit:

BEGINNING at a point which is located in the right of way of State Route 150, Benner Pike, and a point common with lands now or formerly of the Centre County Correctional Facility; thence along State Route 150, Benner Pike, a 150 foot wide right of way, the following two courses and distances: 1) along a curve to the left, having a radius 6965.55 feet, a central angle of 1° 31′ 44″, a chord bearing and distance of North 14° 22′ 02″ West, 185.86 feet, and an arch length of 185.86 feet; and 2) North 15° 07′ 54″ West, 348.86 feet to a point, being the northwesterly most corner of the within lot, which is common with lands now or formerly of GM McCrossin, Inc. (Deed Book 350, Page 919); thence along lands now or formerly of GM McCrossin, Inc., North 46° 49′ 50″ East, 589.45 feet to a point, being the northeasterly most corner of the within lot and a common corner with lands now or formerly of GM McCrossin, Inc. and now or formerly of Gerald E. Rogers, et. ux. (Deed Book 753, Page 884); thence along lands now or formerly of Gerald E. Rogers, et. ux., South 47° 10′ 10″ East, 1,006.15 feet to a point, being the southeasterly most corner of the within lot and a common corner with lands now or formerly of Gerald E. Rogers et. ux. and lasts now or formerly of Centre County Government, specifically the Centre County Correctional Facility; thence along lands now or formerly of the Centre County Correctional Facility and Lot 1 of the hereinafter identified subdivision, South 77° 05′ 54″ West, 1,057.29 feet to a point and place of BEGINNING, being the southwesterly most corner of the within lot and a point in common with the line of State Route 150, Benner Pike.

CONTAINING 13.26-acres.

BEING identified as Lot No. 2 on a plan entitled, “4 Lot Subdivision of Lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Centre County Correctional Facility,” prepared by Sweetland Engineering & Associates, Inc., and dated February 8, 2003, last revised March 31, 2003, recorded June 5, 2003, in Centre County Plat Book Volume 68, Pages 126-127.

BEING a portion of the same premises which became vested in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by deed of S. H. Hoy, et. ux., dated December 2, 1929, and recorded in Centre County Deed Book 142, Page 39.

ALSO BEING Centre County Tax Parcel Identifier Number 12-03-213.

(c)  Existing encumbrances.–The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.

(d)  Gaming restriction.–The conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

(e)  Easements.–The Department of General Services may reserve any easements in, over and across the lands to be conveyed as it deems necessary, convenient or appropriate for the continued operation of SCI-Rockview and/or SCI-Benner.

(f)  Deed.–The conveyance shall be made by special warranty deed to be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(g)  Alternate disposition.–In the event that the conveyance authorized under subsection (a) is not completed within two years of the effective date of this subsection, the authority to convey the property as set forth in this section shall expire and the property may be disposed of in accordance with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as the Administrative Code of 1929.

(h)  Proceeds.–The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the General Fund.

Section 6.  Conveyance in Windsor Township, Berks County.

(a)  Authorization.–The Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to Berks County Intermediate Unit the following tract of land together with any buildings, structures and improvements thereon, situate in Windsor Township, Berks County, being a portion of the former Hamburg Center, for $25,000, under terms and conditions to be established in an agreement of sale.

(b)  Property description.–The property to be conveyed under subsection (a) consists of a tract of land totaling approximately 5.80 acres, including all buildings, structures and improvements located thereon, more particularly described as follows:

ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land situate in Windsor Township, County of Berks, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shown as Lot 4 on a Final Subdivision Plan for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of General Services, prepared by NAVTech, Inc., dated February 8, 2019, last revised April 16, 2021, and recorded October 28, 2021, in Berks County Recorder of Deeds Office, as Instrument Number 2021053915, bounded and described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron pin on the legal right-of-way line of S.R. 4028 (Old 22); thence along the lands now or formerly of Salvatore Fiore North 32°43’00” West a distance of 402.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence along the same North 30°40’06” West a distance of 63.14 feet to an iron pin; thence along Residual Lot 1 of the Final Subdivision Plan for the Lands of Commonwealth of PA Dept. of General Services recorded October 28, 2021 in the Berks County, Pennsylvania Recorder of Deeds office as Instrument No. 2021053915 North 67°24’11” East a distance of 396.02 feet to an iron pin; thence along the same North 58°07’13” East a distance of 233.22 feet (erroneously described as 342.45 feet on plan) to an iron pin; thence along Lot 3 of the above mentioned subdivision plan South 36°17’19” East a distance of 353.05 feet to an iron pin on the legal right-of-way line of S.R. 4028 (Old 22); thence following the legal right-of-way line of S.R. 4028 (Old 22) South 53°42’42” West a distance of 648.56 feet to an iron pin, the place of BEGINNING.

Containing: 252,671.88 square feet or 5.80 acres TOGETHER WITH a 50′ right-of-way through Lot 3, as shown on a Final Subdivision Plan for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of General Services, prepared by NAVTech, Inc., dated February 8, 2019, last revised April 16, 2021, and recorded October 28, 2021, in Berks County Recorder of Deeds Office, as Instrument Number 2021053915, bounded and described as follows:

BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the right-of-way line of S.R. 4028 (Old 22); thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc length of 13.14 feet and a chord bearing of North 16°03’56” East a distance of 12.22 feet to a point; thence North 21°34’50” West a distance of 8.98 feet to the BEGINNING of said 50′ right-of-way; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc length of 18.21 feet and a chord bearing of North 73°44’36” West a distance of 15.80 feet to a point; thence South 54°05’37” West a distance of 172.26 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc length of 17.85 feet and a chord bearing of South 64°19’19” West a distance of 17.76 feet to a point; thence South 74°33’01” West a distance of 100.13 feet to a point on the dividing line of Lot 3 and Lot 4; thence North 36°17’18” West a distance of 53.50 feet to a point; thence North 74°33’01” East a distance of 119.16 feet to a point; thence North 54°05’37” East a distance of 191.52 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc length of 12.45 feet and a chord bearing of North 18°25’43” East a distance of 11.66 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 455.00 feet, an arc length of 34.50 feet and a chord bearing of South 19°24’30” East a distance of 34.49 feet to a point; thence South 21°34’50” East a distance of 37.36 feet to a point; the place of BEGINNING.

EXCEPTING AND RESERVING a 50′ right-of-way through Lot 4 to provide access for Lot 3, Residual Lot 1, and Lot 4, as shown on a Final Subdivision Plan for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of General Services, prepared by NAVTech, Inc., dated February 8, 2019, last revised April 16, 2021, and recorded October 28, 2021, in Berks County Recorder of Deeds Office, as Instrument Number 2021053915, bounded and described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron pin at the southwest corner of Lot 4; thence North 32°43’00” West a distance of 227.78 feet to the BEGINNING of said 50′ right-of-way; thence North 32°43’00” West a distance of 85.68 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc length of 12.28 feet and a chord bearing of South 67°53’49” East a distance of 11.52 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 75.00 feet, an arc length of 29.46 feet and a chord bearing of North 88°10’31” East a distance of 29.27 feet to a point; thence South 80°34’21” East a distance of 195.27 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, an arc length of 19.89 feet and a chord bearing of North 76°38’14” East a distance of 19.37 feet to a point; thence North 53°50’50” East a distance of 389.07 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 75.00 feet, an arc length of 27.10 feet and a chord bearing of North 64°11’56” East a distance of 26.95 feet to a point; thence North 74°33’01” East a distance of 31.15 feet to a point on the boundary line of Lot 4 and 3; thence South 36°17’18” East a distance of 53.50 feet to a point; thence South 74°33’01” West a distance of 50.18 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, an arc length of 9.03 feet and a chord bearing of South 64°11’56” West a distance of 8.98 feet to a point; thence South 53°50’50” West a distance of 389.07 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 75.00 feet, an arc length of 59.66 feet and a chord bearing of South 76°38’14” West a distance of 58.10 feet to a point; thence North 80°34’21” West a distance of 170.32 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc length of 23.06 feet and a chord bearing of South 33°21’19” West a distance of 18.28 feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING.

BEING part of PIN 449514431213.

BEING part of the same premises that Sarah Stine, et al, conveyed to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by deed date July 1, 1910, and recorded July 2, 1910, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Berks County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Volume 363, Page 425.

(c)  Existing encumbrances.–The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water, electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.

(d)  Conditions.–

(1)  Any conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition, which shall be contained in the deed of conveyance, that no portion of the property conveyed shall be used as a licensed facility, as defined in 4 Pa.C.S. § 1103 (relating to definitions), or any other similar type of facility authorized under State law. The condition shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the grantee, its successors and assigns. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns permit any portion of the property authorized to be conveyed in this section to be used in violation of this subsection, the title shall immediately revert to and revest in the grantor.

(2)  Any conveyance authorized under this section shall be made under and subject to the condition that the grantee, its successors and assigns shall utilize the property solely for the operation of an Education Center and for no other purpose. Should the grantee, its successors or assigns utilize the property for any other purpose, the grantee, by its acceptance of this deed, on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, agrees to pay $207,000 to the grantor within 90 days after the change in use. Should the grantee fail to pay such sum within such time frame, the property shall, at the grantor’s election, revert and revest in the grantor. This provision is intended to create a fee simple subject to a condition subsequent. This condition shall terminate on the 10th anniversary of the date of this deed and thereafter be of no further force or effect.

(e)  Deed.–The conveyance shall be made by special warranty deed to be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

(f)  Costs and fees.–Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.

(g)  Alternate disposition.–If the conveyance is not effectuated within two years after the effective date of this subsection, the property may be disposed of in accordance with section 2405-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.

(h)  Proceeds.–The proceeds from the sale shall be deposited into the General Fund.

Section 7.  Repeals.

Repeals are as follows:

(1)  The General Assembly declares that the repeal under paragraph (2) is necessary to effectuate section 4.

(2)  The act of July 2, 2019 (P.L.428, No.71), entitled “An act authorizing and directing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey certain lands and improvements situate in the City of Allentown and the City of Bethlehem, Lehigh County, through a competitive solicitation process; and making a related repeal,” is repealed.

Section 8.  Effective date.

This act shall take effect immediately.