§ 1.4. Additional powers
The general grant of authority in section 1.3 of this charter shall include the following:
(1) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to making and installation of local improvements, including curbs, sidewalks, sewers, drainage systems, water systems, and streets; requiring the installation of any or all of such improvements in a manner specified by the Town as a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit; apportioning part or all of the expenses of such improvements against property owners benefitted thereby; providing for the collection of such assessments and penalties for nonpayment.
(2) To adopt and enforce police ordinances regulating or prohibiting the use of firearms, air rifles, and devices having a capacity to inflict personal injury, and the parking, operation, and speed of motor vehicles upon Town and State aid streets and highways, and to regulate or prohibit any activities constituting a hazard to the safety or health of the public.
(3) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to the prevention of pollution of streams, ponds, and other waterways within the Town.
(4) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to the cleaning and repair of any premises when in such condition as to impair the general appearance of the Town, to be injurious to other property in the vicinity or to be a health hazard, and to control the removal of rubbish, waste, and objectionable material therefrom.
(5) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to regulation, licensing, or prohibition of the storage and accumulation of garbage, ashes, rubbish, refuse, and waste materials; regulation of the removal and disposal of such materials, licensing for revenue and regulation or prohibition of the collection, removal, and disposal of such materials by persons; collection, removal of such materials by the Town either by contract or by a Town officer or department now existing or created for that purpose; establishment of service rates to be paid the Town for such service.
(6) To adopt and enforce ordinances prohibiting and punishing willful injuries to trees planted for shade, ornament, convenience, or use, public and private, and to prevent and punish trespassing or willful injuries to or upon public or private buildings, property, or lands.
(7) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to codes for building construction, including also wiring and plumbing.
(8) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to fire prevention and control.
(9) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to the use, protection, care, and management of all public recreation facilities and systems of the Town.
(10) To adopt and enforce ordinances for the purpose of regulating and licensing the placing of mooring buoys, bathing beach markers, swimming floats, speed zone markers, or any other floating object having no navigational significance in the waters of Shelburne Pond and Shelburne Bay and other waters of Lake Champlain bordering the Town of Shelburne and extending 1,000 feet into the lake from the high water mark. (Amended 2011, No. M-7, § 2, eff. May 17, 2011.)