§ 1. Village boundaries
(a) The ratable and all other estate in the Town of Lyndon, in the County of Caledonia, included within the following boundaries, is hereby incorporated and shall hereafter be known as the Village of Lyndonville:
Beginning at a point on the easterly bank of the Passumpsic River on the south line of the old Daniel Emery Farm, so-called;
Thence easterly on the southerly line of the said Emery Farm to the easterly boundary line of the said Emery Farm;
Thence northerly on the easterly line of land formerly owned by W. H. Hoyt and on the easterly line of land owned, or formerly owned, by the Town of Lyndon and in continuation of the said easterly line of the said land of, or formerly of, the Town of Lyndon across the highway and across land formerly owned by J. A. Fletcher and Harris Allen to the north line of the land formerly owned by the said Harris Allen;
Thence westerly on the northerly line of the said land formerly owned by the said Harris Allen to the northwest corner thereof;
Thence west to the Passumpsic River;
Thence following the easterly bank of the Passumpsic River to the place of beginning.
(b) Meaning to include by the foregoing description all the land and territory, no more and no less, embraced within the limits specified in a former charter of said Village, being No. 210 of the Acts of 1880, as amended by No. 181 of the Acts of 1900.
(c) The inhabitants within these bounds are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, with all the usual powers incident to public corporations, to be known by the name of the Village of Lyndonville.