§ 12a. Compensation and fees
(a) The Selectboard shall annually consider, and from time to time set, the compensation of the following officers:
(1) Town Manager;
(2) Constable;
(3) members of the Board of Assessment.
(b) The Town Clerk and the Selectboard shall jointly set the compensation of the Town Clerk each year. The Town Treasurer and the Selectboard shall jointly set the compensation of the Town Treasurer each year. If the Selectboard and the Town Clerk or Town Treasurer are unable to agree on the amount of either officer’s compensation, that officer’s compensation shall be set by vote of the Town and the Selectboard shall include an article or articles in the annual meeting warning to that effect. The article or articles shall be adopted or modified by the vote of the majority of those eligible to vote who are present at the meeting. The article or articles shall not be voted on by Australian ballot.
(c) The Town Manager, with the approval of the Selectboard, shall set the compensation of all other town officers and employees. (Added 2005, No. M-14 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)