§ 18. Local options tax
The Selectboard is authorized to impose a one percent sales tax, a one percent meals and alcoholic beverages tax, and a one percent rooms tax upon sales within the Town that are subject to the State of Vermont tax on sales, meals, alcoholic beverages, and rooms. The Town tax shall be implemented in the event the State local options tax as provided for in 24 V.S.A. § 138 is repealed or the 70-percent allocation to the town is reduced. A tax imposed under the authority of this section shall be collected and administered by the Vermont Department of Taxes in accordance with State law governing the State tax on sales, meals, alcoholic beverages, and rooms. The amount of 70 percent of the taxes collected shall be paid to the Town, and the remaining amount of the taxes collected shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit in the Pilot Special Fund first established in 1997 Acts and Resolves No. 60, § 89. The cost of administration and collection of this tax shall be paid 70 percent by the Town and 30 percent by the State from the Pilot Special Fund. The tax to be paid to the Town, less its obligation for the 70 percent of the costs of administration and collection, shall be paid to the Town on a quarterly basis and may be expended by the Town for municipal services only and not for education expenditures. The Town may repeal the local option taxes by Australian ballot vote. (Added 2007, No. M-8, § 7, eff. April 17, 2007.)