§ 21. Village ordinances taking effect
(a) No ordinance passed by the trustees shall be enforceable until notice thereof has been posted in four public places, within the bounds of the Village, for a period of two weeks, and published in a newspaper printed in the Village, or, if no such newspaper be printed, in a newspaper having a current circulation within the Village twice within the same period of two weeks as mentioned in this subsection.
(b) If during such two weeks’ period a petition signed by 10 or more qualified voters of the Village be presented to the trustees objecting to an ordinance so passed and published by the trustees, the question of the approval of the ordinance shall be submitted to an annual or special meeting of the Village; and when approved by a majority vote of the meeting, and not otherwise, the ordinance so approved shall become an ordinance of the Village.
(c) If at any time subsequent to such period of two weeks for publication, a petition signed by 10 or more qualified voters of the Village be presented to the trustees requesting the repeal of any ordinance, the question of the repeal or approval of the ordinance shall be submitted to a meeting of the Village duly warned for that purpose; if at such meeting the ordinance be approved by a majority vote of the meeting, the ordinance so approved shall remain an ordinance of the Village; if the ordinance so voted upon shall fail of such approval, the ordinance shall be deemed to be repealed and shall thereupon be and become null and void and of no subsequent legal effect whatsoever, but fines and penalties imposed, judgments and decrees entered, prosecutions and legal proceedings instituted prior to the repeal of such ordinance shall not be vacated, set aside, or otherwise affected by such repeal. (Added 1937, No. 301, § 21.)