§ 25. Administrative Code
(a) Within two years following the effective date of this charter, the Town Manager shall prepare and submit to the Selectboard a proposal for an ordinance to be known as the Administrative Code of the Town of Barre. For the purpose of preparing the proposal, the Town Manager may have the assistance of the Town Attorney and shall have the authority to request a committee of citizens to assist in the preparation of the proposal. The proposal shall be a comprehensive code of administrative organization and procedure for the Town and, at a minimum, shall include the following:
(1) organization of the administrative departments and elected offices of the Town into such divisions as may be appropriate, defining the functions and duties of each;
(2) a detailed outline of financial procedures to be followed by the Town, including purchasing policy, expenditure of appropriated funds, the system of accounting for the Town, and the form and frequency of financial reports.
(b) The Administrative Code shall be passed by the Selectboard in the same manner as any ordinance and may be amended by the Selectboard in the manner provided for amendment of ordinances. The Administrative Code shall provide for all specific requirements set forth in this charter, and to such extent as the provisions of the Administrative Code are not inconsistent with this charter, the Code shall be considered a valid extension of the policies set forth in the charter. (Amended 2019, No. M-1, § 2, eff. April 19, 2019; 2021, No. M-1, § 2, eff. April 13, 2021.)