§ 25. Sewerage rates
For the purpose of the support of said Sewerage Department and to ensure the payment of the annual principal and interest upon any sewerage bonds issued by said corporation, the Board of Trustees shall establish rates to be charged and paid by the users of said sewer system, at such times and in such manner as shall be determined by the Board of Trustees, and may, from time to time, alter, modify, amend, increase, or diminish such rates, and extend them to any description of property or use, as the Board of Trustees may deem proper. Such rates shall be chargeable to, and may be collected of, the owners of the property so provided, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Board of Trustees and said owners, and shall be a lien and charge upon the buildings, lots, and other property so provided and may be collected in an action at law in the name of the corporation. The Board of Trustees may order sewerage rents to be paid in advance and may make all necessary provisions and orders relating to said sewerage as the Board of Trustees may think expedient to ensure such advance payments.