§ 91. Purchase of electric light plant and contract for power
(a) Said Village is authorized to purchase an electric light plant and to contract for power and service to run the same for such number of years and such number of lights as may be deemed for the best interest of said Village.
(b) Said Village is hereby authorized and empowered under any vote heretofore or hereafter had for that purpose, through said electric light commissioners, to purchase and sell electric current for light, heat, and power purposes in the Town of Ludlow and adjoining towns, to purchase, construct, and complete an electric light plant, with all necessary water powers, reservoirs, and appurtenances to produce and conduct electric light power to, and distribute the same through said Village; and for that purpose may take, enter upon, and use any water-powers and lands upon, over, or through which it may be necessary or desirable for the said electric light plant and the lines thereof to be situate and to pass; and may thereon lay and construct such pipes, reservoirs, lines of wire, and appurtenances as may be necessary for the complete construction and repairing of the same; and it may also for the purpose aforesaid dig up or occupy any common highway, street, or bridge in the Town of Ludlow or towns adjacent thereto for the purpose of laying, constructing, or repairing such electric light plant, reservoirs, lines, and the appurtenances thereof.
(c) In the taking of lands for the construction of transmission and distribution lines said Village shall proceed under Chapter 211 of the General Laws.