Executive Order No. 29-3 (No. 58-81) [Transfer of Property in Highgate From Agency of Environmental Conservation to Agency of Transportation]
WHEREAS, it appears that certain land hereinafter described and located in the town of Highgate, County of Franklin and State of Vermont and presently under the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Environmental Conservation, and is necessary for Agency of Transportation purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Agency of Transportation desires the transfer of said hereinafter described land for the purpose of providing access for A. N. Deringer, Incorporated in common with others;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard A. Snelling, by virtue of the powers vested in me as Governor of Vermont, do hereby transfer and set over from the Agency of Environmental Conservation, to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation for the aforesaid purpose the following described land, to wit:
Being a portion of the same land and premises that was transferred from the Department of Highways to the Department of Forest and Parks by Executive Order #8-73, dated May 9, 1973 and recorded June 7, 1973 in Book 59, Page 15 in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Highgate.
Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned conveyance and records thereof and to the following instrument of conveyance in aid of a more complete description and further chain of title.
Quit-Claim Deed dated March 30, 1968 and recorded in Book 53, Page 190 of the aforesaid Town of Highgate Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 312 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 05 of the established Baseline (Baseline hereinafter referred to as BL) of Highway Project Highgate I 89-3 (6);
thence 85 feet, more or less, northwesterly to a point 300 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 85 of said BL;
thence 264 feet, more or less, northerly to a point 410 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 955 + 25 of said BL;
thence 50 feet, more or less, easterly to a point 365 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 955 + 45 of said BL;
thence 284 feet, more or less, southerly to a point 250 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 85 of said BL;
thence 40 feet, more or less, southwesterly to a point 255 feet distant northwesterly at right angle from approximate station 952 + 45 of said BL;
thence 80 feet, more or less, westerly to the point of beginning.
Said parcel of land is shown on a plat entitled “State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation, Town of Highgate”, and dated January 19, 1981, which plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Dated March 4, 1981.