Executive Order No. 33-23 (No. 15-11) [Governor’s Commission on Successful Aging]
WHEREAS, Vermont places great value on the contributions of its older citizens; and
WHEREAS, it is important that older Vermonters maintain their health and remain active and involved in their communities; and
WHEREAS, encouraging older Vermonters to participate in the labor market will positively impact the State’s economic development and sustainability while at the same time result in improved physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being of older Vermonters; and
WHEREAS, being physically active contributes substantially to healthy aging;
WHEREAS, a public health approach to successful aging has been shown to improve the health status of older adults and to prevent or delay unnecessary treatments and services;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Peter Shumlin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, establish the Governor’s Commission on Successful Aging.
I. Composition The Commission shall consist of no more than 15 members, appointed by the Governor. Members shall be appointed by the Governor to three-year terms, beginning March 1 of the year of appointment or until their successors are appointed. (Initial appointments shall take effect immediately and shall include the term beginning March 1, 2012.) Initially, one-third of the members shall be appointed to one-year terms, one-third to two-year terms, and one-third to three-year terms. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
Members shall include: the Commissioner of the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living or designee; a representative from the Vermont Department of Mental Health or designee; a representative from the Vermont Department of Health; the Commissioner of the Department of Labor or designee; a representative of Creative Workforce Solutions; a representative of the Area Agencies on Aging; a representative of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP); a representative of the Community of Vermont Elders (COVE); a representative of a Vermont association of businesses; a representative from the Senior Community Service Employment Program; an individual representing Vermont’s municipalities; a representative from the Vermont Agency of Transportation; two seniors who exemplify healthy aging through their work as community and/or business leaders. The Governor or the Governor’s designee shall chair the Commission.
II. Committee Charge1. To make recommendations to the Administration on the design and implementation of health reform initiatives, in order to promote healthy aging through the lifespan and to ensure reforms are responsive to the needs and preferences of older Vermonters;
2. To assist the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, the Department of Labor, and other State agencies in optimizing the potential of Vermont’s older workers, including the implementation of a strategic approach to engaging older Vermonters in the labor force;
3. To assist the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, the Department of Health, and the Department of Mental Health in identifying potential sources of funding for health/mental health promotion programs and to make recommendations regarding the pursuit of funding opportunities and implementation of programs;
4. To make recommendations to the Administration on ways to promote the creation of more livable communities for all ages by ensuring active, non-motorized transportation initiatives such as Complete Streets and Safe Streets are responsive to the needs and preferences of older Vermonters.
III. Committee Process The Commission shall meet at least three times annually or upon the call of the Chair and shall submit a report to the Governor each year by July 1.
The Commission shall be attached to the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living for administrative support. To the extent funds permit, members who are not employed by the state shall receive reimbursement of expenses and a per diem pursuant to 32 V.S.A. § 1010(e).
IV. Effective Dates
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing and shall expire on November 30, 2016 unless extended by the Governor.
Dated November 8, 2011.